
2004 - Nucleic acids research

AUGUSTUS: a web server for gene finding in eukaryotes

We present a www server for AUGUSTUS, a novel software program for ab initio gene prediction in eukaryotic genomic sequences. Our method is based on a generalized Hidden Markov Model with a new method for modeling the intron length distribution. This method allows approximation of the true intron length distribution more accurately than do existing programs. For genomic sequence data from human and Drosophila melanogaster, the accuracy of AUGUSTUS is superior to existing gene-finding approaches. The advantage of our program becomes apparent especially for larger input sequences containing more than one gene. The server is available at http://augustus.gobics.de.

2005 - Nucleic Acids Research

AUGUSTUS: a web server for gene prediction in eukaryotes that allows user-defined constraints

We present a WWW server for AUGUSTUS, a software for gene prediction in eukaryotic genomic sequences that is based on a generalized hidden Markov model, a probabilistic model of a sequence and its gene structure. The web server allows the user to impose constraints on the predicted gene structure. A constraint can specify the position of a splice site, a translation initiation site or a stop codon. Furthermore, it is possible to specify the position of known exons and intervals that are known to be exonic or intronic sequence. The number of constraints is arbitrary and constraints can be combined in order to pin down larger parts of the predicted gene structure. The result then is the most likely gene structure that complies with all given user constraints, if such a gene structure exists. The specification of constraints is useful when part of the gene structure is known, e.g. by expressed sequence tag or protein sequence alignments, or if the user wants to change the default prediction. The web interface and the downloadable stand-alone program are available free of charge at .


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