
2001 - Proceedings 17th International Conference on Data Engineering

MAFIA: a maximal frequent itemset algorithm for transactional databases

We present a new algorithm for mining maximal frequent itemsets from a transactional database. Our algorithm is especially efficient when the itemsets in the database are very long. The search strategy of our algorithm integrates a depth-first traversal of the itemset lattice with effective pruning mechanisms. Our implementation of the search strategy combines a vertical bitmap representation of the database with an efficient relative bitmap compression schema. In a thorough experimental analysis of our algorithm on real data, we isolate the effect of the individual components of the algorithm. Our performance numbers show that our algorithm outperforms previous work by a factor of three to five.

2001 - Proceedings 2001 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining

Efficiently mining maximal frequent itemsets

We present GenMax, a backtracking search based algorithm for mining maximal frequent itemsets. GenMax uses a number of optimizations to prune the search space. It uses a novel technique called progressive focusing to perform maximality checking, and diffset propagation to perform fast frequency computation. Systematic experimental comparison with previous work indicates that different methods have varying strengths and weaknesses based on dataset characteristics. We found GenMax to be a highly efficient method to mine the exact set of maximal patterns.

2005 - Data Mining and Knowledge Discovery

GenMax: An Efficient Algorithm for Mining Maximal Frequent Itemsets

We present GenMax, a backtrack search based algorithm for mining maximal frequent itemsets. GenMax uses a number of optimizations to prune the search space. It uses a novel technique called progressive focusing to perform maximality checking, and diffset propagation to perform fast frequency computation. Systematic experimental comparison with previous work indicates that different methods have varying strengths and weaknesses based on dataset characteristics. We found GenMax to be a highly efficient method to mine the exact set of maximal patterns.

2004 - KDD

The complexity of mining maximal frequent itemsets and maximal frequent patterns

Mining maximal frequent itemsets is one of the most fundamental problems in data mining. In this paper we study the complexity-theoretic aspects of maximal frequent itemset mining, from the perspective of counting the number of solutions. We present the first formal proof that the problem of counting the number of distinct maximal frequent itemsets in a database of transactions, given an arbitrary support threshold, is #P-complete, thereby providing strong theoretical evidence that the problem of mining maximal frequent itemsets is NP-hard. This result is of particular interest since the associated decision problem of checking the existence of a maximal frequent itemset is in P.We also extend our complexity analysis to other similar data mining problems dealing with complex data structures, such as sequences, trees, and graphs, which have attracted intensive research interests in recent years. Normally, in these problems a partial order among frequent patterns can be defined in such a way as to preserve the downward closure property, with maximal frequent patterns being those without any successor with respect to this partial order. We investigate several variants of these mining problems in which the patterns of interest are subsequences, subtrees, or subgraphs, and show that the associated problems of counting the number of maximal frequent patterns are all either #P-complete or #P-hard.

2002 - 2002 IEEE International Conference on Data Mining, 2002. Proceedings.

SmartMiner: a depth first algorithm guided by tail information for mining maximal frequent itemsets

Maximal frequent itemsets (MR) are crucial to many tasks in data mining. Since the MaxMiner algorithm first introduced enumeration trees for mining MR in 1998, several methods have been proposed to use depth first search to improve performance. To further improve the performance of mining MR, we proposed a technique that takes advantage of the information gathered from previous steps to discover new MR. More specifically, our algorithm called SmartMiner gathers and passes tail information and uses a heuristic select function which uses the tail information to select the next node to explore. Compared with Mafia and GenMax, SmartMiner generates a smaller search tree, requires a smaller number of support counting, and does not require superset checking. Using the datasets Mushroom and Connect, our experimental study reveals that SmartMiner generates the same MFI as Mafia and GenMax, but yields an order of magnitude improvement in speed.

2012 - Expert Syst. Appl.

An improved association rules mining method

Mining maximal frequent itemsets is of paramount relevance in many of data mining applications. The ''traditional'' algorithms address this problem through scanning databases many times. The latest research has already focused on reducing the number of scanning times of databases and then decreasing the number of accessing times of I/O resources in order to improve the overall mining efficiency of maximal frequent itemsets of association rules. In this paper, we present a form of the directed itemsets graph to store the information of frequent itemsets of transaction databases, and give the trifurcate linked list storage structure of directed itemsets graph. Furthermore, we develop the mining algorithm of maximal frequent itemsets based on this structure. As a result, one realizes scanning a database only once, and improves storage efficiency of data structure and time efficiency of mining algorithm.

2003 - FIMI

MAFIA: A Performance Study of Mining Maximal Frequent Itemsets

We present a performance study of the MAFIA algorithm for mining maximal frequent itemsets from a transactional database. In a thorough experimental analysis, we isolate the effects of individual components of MAFIA, including search space pruning techniques and adaptive compression. We also compare our performance with previous work by running tests on very different types of datasets. Our experiments show that MAFIA performs best when mining long itemsets and outperforms other algorithms on dense data by a factor of three to thirty.


genetic algorithm data mining big datum power consumption data structure association rule data stream programmable gate array field programmable gate elliptic curve data mining technique efficient algorithm smart card fpga implementation association rule mining mining algorithm power analysi frequent itemset hyperspectral datum sliding window frequent pattern leaf area apriori algorithm mining association rule leaf area index side channel uncertain datum differentially private leakage power algorithmic approach mining association elliptic curve cryptosystem mining frequent itemset mining curve cryptosystem frequent itemset mining plant leaf power analysis attack differential power analysi item set data mining task data stream mining frequent item analysis attack differential power high utility stream mining mining frequent itemset chlorophyll content maximal frequent mining frequent pattern false negative data mining problem high utility itemset frequent closed frequent itemsets mining utility itemset association mining closed itemset chlorophyll fluorescence itemsets mining transactional datum efficient mining correlation power analysi side channel analysi dpa attack maximal frequent itemset frequent closed itemset mining problem mining maximal frequent mining data stream closed frequent mining maximal itemset mining algorithm simple power analysi mining frequent closed leaf chlorophyll content memory consumption leaf chlorophyll finding frequent closed frequent itemset maximum frequent discovering frequent koblitz curve weighted frequent mining closed estimating leaf vegetative growth cryptographic circuit fast mining airborne spectrographic imager chlorophyll meter compact airborne spectrographic finding frequent itemset mining closed frequent top-k frequent estimation of leaf leakage power analysi discovering frequent itemset transactional data stream parallel frequent weighted frequent itemset prosail model discovery of association approximate frequent mining top-k frequent parallel frequent itemset itemset mining problem probabilistic frequent itemset number of transactions frequent itemsets algorithm find frequent itemset