NuSMV 2: An OpenSource Tool for Symbolic Model Checking
This paper describes version 2 of the NuSMV tool. NuSMV is a symbolic model checker originated from the reengineering, reimplementation and extension of SMV, the original BDD-based model checker developed at CMU [15]. The NuSMV project aims at the development of a state-of-the-art symbolic model checker, designed to be applicable in technology transfer projects: it is a well structured, open, flexible and documented platform for model checking, and is robust and close to industrial systems standards [6].
ACSAR: Software Model Checking with Transfinite Refinement
ACSAR (Automatic Checker of Safety properties based on Abstraction Refinement) is a software model checker for C programs in the spirit of Blast [6], F-Soft [7], Magic [5] and Slam [1]. It is based on the counterexample-guided abstraction refinement (CEGAR) paradigm. Its specificity lies in the way it overcomes a problem common to all tools based on this paradigm. The problem arises from creating more and more spurious counterexamples by unfolding the same (while- or for-) loop over and over again; this leads to an infinite or at least too large sequence of refinement steps. The idea behind ACSAR is to abstract not just states but also the state changes induced by structured program statements, including for- and while-statements. The use of the new abstraction allows one to shortcut such a “transfinite” sequence of refinement steps.
Using model checking to analyze network vulnerabilities
Even well administered networks are vulnerable to attacks due to the security ramifications of offering a variety of combined services. That is, services that are secure when offered in isolation nonetheless provide an attacker with a vulnerability to exploit when offered simultaneously. Many current tools address vulnerabilities in the context of a single host. We address vulnerabilities due to the configuration of various hosts in a network. In a different line of research, formal methods are often useful for generating test cases, and model checkers are particularly adept at this task due to their ability to generate counterexamples. We address the network vulnerabilities problem with test cases, which amount to attack scenarios, generated by a model checker. We encode the vulnerabilities in a state machine description suitable for a model checker and then assert that an attacker cannot acquire a given privilege on a given host. The model checker either offers assurance that the assertion is true on the actual network or provides a counterexample detailing each step of a successful attack.
time series software development information retrieval regression model image retrieval maximum likelihood knowledge base retrieval system model checking distance learning real-time system question answering extreme learning machine learning machine information retrieval system extreme learning order statistic content-based image retrieval temporal logic rate control formal method statistical inference weibull distribution nuclear reactor visual attention image retrieval system question answering system carnegie mellon university binary decision diagram java virtual machine answering system atrial fibrillation carnegie mellon memory network random sequence mellon university extreme programming southeast asia research issue model checker extreme event belief revision visual question answering bounded model checking symbolic model visual question abstract model extreme value theory bounded model symbolic model checking automated storage statistically significant bibliography index arithmetic logic unit model checking technique extreme value distribution model checking algorithm extreme weather south pacific interactive information retrieval sample variance multivariate extreme open-domain question answering model checking based state of knowledge extreme temperature answering question question answering dataset extreme rainfall open-domain question question answering track extreme precipitation daily temperature logic model checking answering track symbolic model checker desired property counterexample-guided abstraction refinement sat-based model checking temperature extreme extreme precipitation event climate extreme formal methods community extreme storm climate event sat-based model precipitation extreme french polynesia image question answering lazy abstraction severe thunderstorm modeling of extreme silo (dataset) pipeline (computing) word list by frequency reactor device component reactor (software) united state