
2003 - CAV

Interpolation and SAT-Based Model Checking

We consider a fully SAT-based method of unbounded symbolic model checking based on computing Craig interpolants. In benchmark studies using a set of large industrial circuit verification instances, this method is greatly more efficient than BDD-based symbolic model checking, and compares favorably to some recent SAT-based model checking methods on positive instances.

1996 - Proceedings of the Eighth Euromicro Workshop on Real-Time Systems

The symbolic model-checking for real-time systems

It is important to verify timing conditions in real time systems. In particular, symbolic model checking is promising for verifying a large system. But in dense time models, symbolic model checking based on BDD causes the state explosion problem because of generating a region graph from the specification. We propose symbolic model checking based on BDD in a dense time model, which does not use a region graph. In our proposed symbolic model checker, we represent state spaces by both BDD and DBM (Difference Bound Matrices). We have realized an effective symbolic model checker based on BDD in dense time model with the proposed method.


time series software development information retrieval regression model image retrieval maximum likelihood knowledge base retrieval system model checking distance learning real-time system question answering extreme learning machine learning machine information retrieval system extreme learning order statistic content-based image retrieval temporal logic rate control formal method statistical inference weibull distribution nuclear reactor visual attention image retrieval system question answering system carnegie mellon university binary decision diagram java virtual machine answering system atrial fibrillation carnegie mellon memory network random sequence mellon university extreme programming southeast asia research issue model checker extreme event belief revision visual question answering bounded model checking symbolic model visual question abstract model extreme value theory bounded model symbolic model checking automated storage statistically significant bibliography index arithmetic logic unit model checking technique extreme value distribution model checking algorithm extreme weather south pacific interactive information retrieval sample variance multivariate extreme open-domain question answering model checking based state of knowledge extreme temperature answering question question answering dataset extreme rainfall open-domain question question answering track extreme precipitation daily temperature logic model checking answering track symbolic model checker desired property counterexample-guided abstraction refinement sat-based model checking temperature extreme extreme precipitation event climate extreme formal methods community extreme storm climate event sat-based model precipitation extreme french polynesia image question answering lazy abstraction severe thunderstorm modeling of extreme silo (dataset) pipeline (computing) word list by frequency reactor device component reactor (software) united state