

Texture Analysis with MTEX – Free and Open Source Software Toolbox

The MATLAB™ toolbox MTEX provides a unique way to represent, analyse and interpret crystallographic preferred orientation, i.e. texture, based on integral (“pole figure”) or individual orientation (“EBSD”) measurements. In particular, MTEX comprises functions to import, analyse and visualize diffraction pole figure data as well as EBSD data, to estimate an orientation density function from either kind of data, to compute texture characteristics, to model orientation density functions in terms of model functions or Fourier coefficients, to simulate pole figure or EBSD data, to create publication ready plots, to write scripts for multiple use, and others. Thus MTEX is a versatile free and open-source software toolbox for texture analysis and modeling.


Perspectives on Free and Open Source Software

What is the status of the Free and Open Source Software (F/OSS) revolution? Has the creation of software that can be freely used, modified, and redistributed transformed industry and society, as some predicted, or is this transformation still a work in progress? Perspectives on Free and Open Source Software brings together leading analysts and researchers to address this question, examining specific aspects of F/OSS in a way that is both scientifically rigorous and highly relevant to real-life managerial and technical concerns. The book analyzes a number of key topics: the motivation behind F/OSS—why highly skilled software developers devote large amounts of time to the creation of "free" products and services; the objective, empirically grounded evaluation of software—necessary to counter what one chapter author calls the "steamroller" of F/OSS hype; the software engineering processes and tools used in specific projects, including Apache, GNOME, and Mozilla; the economic and business models that reflect the changing relationships between users and firms, technical communities and firms, and between competitors; and legal, cultural, and social issues, including one contribution that suggests parallels between "open code" and "open society" and another that points to the need for understanding the movement's social causes and consequences.

2009 - International Journal of Geographical Information Science

An overview on current free and open source desktop GIS developments

Over the past few years the world of free and open source geospatial software has experienced some major changes. For instance, the website FreeGIS.org currently lists 330 GIS‐related projects. Besides the advent of new software projects and the growth of established projects, a new organisation known as the OSGeo Foundation has been established to offer a point of contact. This paper will give an overview on existing free and open source desktop GIS projects. To further the understanding of the open source software development, we give a brief explanation of associated terms and introduce the two most established software license types: the General Public License (GPL) and the Lesser General Public License (LGPL). After laying out the organisational structures, we describe the different desktop GIS software projects in terms of their main characteristics. Two main tables summarise information on the projects and functionality of the currently available software versions. Finally, the advantages and disadvantages of open source software, with an emphasis on research and teaching, are discussed.

2013 - Comput. Environ. Urban Syst.

The 2012 free and open source GIS software map - A guide to facilitate research, development, and adoption

Over the last decade an increasing number of free and open source software projects have been founded that concentrate on developing several types of software for geographic data collection, storage, analysis and visualization. We first identify the drivers of such software projects and identify different types of geographic information software, e.g. desktop GIS, remote sensing software, server GIS etc. We then list the major projects for each software category. Afterwards we discuss the points that should be considered if free and open source software is to be selected for use in business and research, such as software functionality, license types and their restrictions, developer and user community characteristics, etc. Finally possible future developments are addressed.

2020 - Bioinformatics

ipyrad: Interactive assembly and analysis of RADseq datasets

SUMMARY ipyrad is a free and open source tool for assembling and analyzing restriction-site associated DNA sequence (RADseq) datasets using de novo and/or reference-based approaches. It is designed to be massively scalable to hundreds of taxa and thousands of samples, and can be efficiently parallelized on high performance computing clusters. It is available as both a command line interface (CLI) and as a Python package with an application programming interface (API), the latter of which can be used interactively to write complex, reproducible scripts, and implement a suite of downstream analysis tools. AVAILABILITY AND IMPLEMENTATION ipyrad is a free and open source program written in Python. Source code is available from the GitHub repository (https://github.com/dereneaton/ipyrad/), and Linux and MacOS installs are distributed through the conda package manager. SUPPLEMENTARY INFORMATION Complete documentation, including numerous tutorials, and Jupyter notebooks demonstrating example assemblies and applications of downstream analysis tools are available online: https://ipyrad.readthedocs.io/.

2004 - IEEE Software

Free and open source development practices in the game community

The free and open source software (FOSS) approach lets community of like-minded participants develop software systems and related artifacts that are shared freely instead of offered as closed-source commercial products. Free (as in freedom) software and open source are closely related but slightly different approaches and licensing schemes for developing publicly shared software. FOSS development communities don't seem to adopt modern software engineering processes. FOSS communities develop software that's extremely valuable, generally reliable, globally distributed, made available for acquisition at little or no cost, and readily used in its community. Free and open source software development practices gives rise to new view of how complex software systems can be constructed, deployed, and evolved. They rely on lean electronic communication media, virtual project management, and version management mechanisms to coordinate globally dispersed development efforts. These FOSS processes offer new directions for developing complex software systems. We look at the FOSS computer game community to provide examples of common development processes and practices.

2009 - Ecol. Informatics

Free and open source geographic information tools for landscape ecology

Geographic Information tools (GI tools) have become an essential component of research in landscape ecology. In this article we review the use of GIS (Geographic Information Systems) and GI tools in landscape ecology, with an emphasis on free and open source software (FOSS) projects. Specifically, we introduce the background and terms related to the free and open source software movement, then compare eight FOSS desktop GIS with proprietary GIS to analyse their utility for landscape ecology research. We also provide a summary of related landscape analysis FOSS applications, and extensions. Our results indicate that (i) all eight GIS provide the basic GIS functionality needed in landscape ecology, (ii) they all facilitate customisation, and (iii) they all provide good support via forums and email lists. Drawbacks that have been identified are related to the fact that most projects are relatively young. This currently affects the size of their user and developer communities, and their ability to include advanced spatial analysis functions and up-to-date documentation. However, we expect these drawbacks to be addressed over time, as systems mature. In general, we see great potential for the use of free and open source desktop GIS in landscape ecology research and advocate concentrated efforts by the landscape ecology community towards a common, customisable and free research platform.

2011 - Computational Intelligence and Neuroscience

BioSig: The Free and Open Source Software Library for Biomedical Signal Processing

BioSig is an open source software library for biomedical signal processing. The aim of the BioSig project is to foster research in biomedical signal processing by providing free and open source software tools for many different application areas. Some of the areas where BioSig can be employed are neuroinformatics, brain-computer interfaces, neurophysiology, psychology, cardiovascular systems, and sleep research. Moreover, the analysis of biosignals such as the electroencephalogram (EEG), electrocorticogram (ECoG), electrocardiogram (ECG), electrooculogram (EOG), electromyogram (EMG), or respiration signals is a very relevant element of the BioSig project. Specifically, BioSig provides solutions for data acquisition, artifact processing, quality control, feature extraction, classification, modeling, and data visualization, to name a few. In this paper, we highlight several methods to help students and researchers to work more efficiently with biomedical signals.

2009 - OGRS

Free and Open Source GIS Software for Building a Spatial Data Infrastructure

The implementation of Spatial Data Infrastructures (SDIs) for governments and companies is a task that has gained ample attention in recent years. Different categories of spatial software such as desktop GIS, server GIS, web map servers, spatial database management systems, web map development toolkits, etc., are required to realize the software components of an SDI. We catalogue a (selected) variety of free and open source projects that develop and maintain spatial software that fit within these categories. Our analysis reveals that for all categories of software used in SDIs a free software product is available. This enables adopters to implement an SDI on a limited financial budget, and allows the distribution of a proven SDI architecture without legal constraints. Our software evaluation shows that free and open source solutions support a wide range of industry standards that ease interoperability between SDI components.

2008 - Computer

BioSig: A Free and Open Source Software Library for BCI Research

Software development is a key issue in brain-computer interface (BCI) research. Software can show the similarities and differences of different data processing methods. It can also make clear which hyperparameters must be determined for particular algorithms. And it can demonstrate whether certain concepts are compatible or not. With BioSig's comprehensive library of free and open source tools, combined with existing EEG databases, like those from BCI competitions, BCI researchers can avoid having to reinvent the wheel on every project.

2009 - Cultural Anthropology

CODE IS SPEECH: Legal Tinkering, Expertise, and Protest among Free and Open Source Software Developers

In this essay, I examine the channels through which Free and Open Source Software (F/OSS) developers reconfigure central tenets of the liberal tradition—and the meanings of both freedom and speech—to defend against efforts to constrain their productive autonomy. I demonstrate how F/OSS developers contest and specify the meaning of liberal freedom—especially free speech—through the development of legal tools and discourses within the context of the F/OSS project. I highlight how developers concurrently tinker with technology and the law using similar skills, which transform and consolidate ethical precepts among developers. I contrast this legal pedagogy with more extraordinary legal battles over intellectual property, speech, and software. I concentrate on the arrests of two programmers, Jon Johansen and Dmitry Sklyarov, and on the protests they provoked, which unfolded between 1999 and 2003. These events are analytically significant because they dramatized and thus made visible tacit social processes. They publicized the challenge that F/OSS represents to the dominant regime of intellectual property (and clarified the democratic stakes involved) and also stabilized a rival liberal legal regime intimately connecting source code to speech.


Hacking Capitalism: The Free and Open Source Software Movement

The Free and Open Source Software (FOSS) movement demonstrates how labour can self-organise production, and, as is shown by the free operating system GNU/Linux, even compete with some of the worlds largest firms. The book examines the hopes of such thinkers as Friedrich Schiller, Karl Marx, Herbert Marcuse and Antonio Negri, in the light of the recent achievements of the hacker movement. This book is the first to examine a different kind of political activism that consists in the development of technology from below.


Penguin in a new suit: a tale of how de novo entrants emerged to harness free and open source software communities

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A growing body of literature has explored the motivations for individuals to take part in free and open source software (FOSS), yet how firms participate is largely an unattended research area. Building on information from an extensive dataset of secondary sources and 30 in-depth interviews, I show that de novo entrants have emerged in conjunction with a changing institutional infrastructure and a more pragmatic attitude toward firms that focus on technological benefits rather than ideology. To understand how these firms try to harness the work of these communities, I use the empirical data to derive a 2*2 matrix of different approaches. The X axis reflects whether or not the firms initiated a new community or relied on communities founded by peers, whereas the Y axis represents the degree of participation of the firm in the community. This taxonomy illustrates how de novo entrant are initiating new forms of communities or joining communities established by peers. This suggests that while many of the central pillars of FOSS remains, de novo entrants have emerged to find new ways of making business resulting in various implications for firm strategies and knowledge disclosure. Copyright 2007 , Oxford University Press.

2006 - OSS

Social dynamics of free and open source team communications

This paper furthers inquiry into the social structure of free and open source software (FLOSS) teams by undertaking social network analysis across time. Contrary to expectations, we confirmed earlier findings of a wide distribution of centralizations even when examining the networks over time. The paper also provides empirical evidence that while change at the center of FLOSS projects is relatively uncommon, participation across the project communities is highly skewed, with many participants appearing for only one period. Surprisingly, large project teams are not more likely to undergo change at their centers.

2008 - Inf. Technol. People

Mobilization of software developers: the free software movement

Purpose – The paper has three purposes: the first is to provide a deeper understanding of the ideology and work practices of free and open source software development, the second to characterize the free software movement as a new type of computerization movement and the third to present a conceptual diagram and framework with an analysis showing how the free software computerization movement has evolved into an occupational community.Design/methodology/approach – Qualitative data were collected over a four year period using a virtual ethnography in a study of free and open source software development and, in particular, a study of a free software community, GNUenterprise, located at www.gnuenterprise.org, which has the goal of developing a free enterprise resource planning software system.Findings – It is concluded that the ideology of the free software movement continues to be one of the factors which mobilize people to contribute to free and open source software development. This movement represents a ...

2012 - FOCI

OONI: Open Observatory of Network Interference

OONI, the Open Observatory of Network Interference, is a global observation network which aims to collect high quality data using open methodologies, using Free and Open Source Software (FL/OSS) to share observations and open data about the various types, methods, and amounts of network tampering in the world. Furthermore, OONI is a human rights observation project – observation is a fundamental requirement for the advancement of knowledge and OONI aims to ensure that the tools to make such observations are freely available to all. With the belief that unfettered access to information is an intrinsic human right, OONI seeks to observe levels of surveillance, censorship, and network discrimination in order for people worldwide to have a clearer understanding of the ways in which their access to information and speech is monitored, censored or otherwise filtered. The end goal of OONI is to collect data which will show an accurate topology of network surveillance, interference and outright censorship. Through this data, it will be possible to draw conclusions about how the internet functions from any location where an OONI probe is present. This data includes which websites are censored, or which services have been tampered with, and by whom. The data also includes information about the observer and will attempt to classify the results. We use the term filternet to describe network connections that are under measurable surveillance, tampering, or subject to censorship.


Analysis of commercial and free and open source solvers for linear optimization problems 1

In this contribution software tools that can be used to solve (mixed integer) linear optimization problems are described and compared. These kind of problems occur for instance when solving the secondary cell suppression problem (CSP). An overview of existing comparisons of both open-source and commercial solvers is given. Moreover, the performance of different solvers is evaluated on the basis of solving multiple attacker problems in a case study. These problem class is important when dealing with the CSP.


Free / open source software development

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Free/Open Source Software gives an overview of the current research streams in the field of free and open source software development. A multitude of research approaches are used to explore free and open source software development processes, attributes of their products and the workings within the development communities. This book offers a glimpse beyond classical free and open source software development, and analyzes chances and risks for co-operations with traditional organizations and the implications of this new model for areas other than software development.

2008 - ArXiv

Package upgrades in FOSS distributions: details and challenges

The upgrade problems faced by Free and Open Source Software distributions have characteristics not easily found elsewhere. We describe the structure of packages and their role in the upgrade process. We show that state of the art package managers have shortcomings inhibiting their ability to cope with frequent upgrade failures. We survey current counter-measures to such failures, argue that they are not satisfactory, and sketch alternative solutions.

2013 - Research Policy

The periphery on stage: The intra-organizational dynamics in online communities of creation

This paper theorizes the intra-organizational dynamics of online communities of creation such as Free and Open Source software projects. It describes the role of the participants at the peripheries of these online communities and analyze how the division of labor among peripheral and core members is handled. The paper further demonstrates that this mode of labor division is possible only if the periphery is able to acquire and absorb the standards associated with the developers’ activities, described here as a social practice. We describe how the propagation of such standards takes place through non-material artifacts such as code and virtual discussions. We show that because of the capacity of these artifacts to effectively disseminate the standards of a social practice, such standards can be transferred not only face to face, but also asynchronously, asymmetrically and openly.


neural network differential equation deep learning convolutional neural network convolutional neural software development deep neural network feature selection open source deep neural optical network learning approach geographic information system distributed generation geographic information stochastic differential equation power allocation open source software stochastic differential deep convolutional neural source software deep convolutional named entity recognition loss function human action space telescope personal area network mental health feature learning wireless personal area elastic optical multi-task learning personal area elastic optical network network reconfiguration wireless personal learning problem hubble space telescope learning task software developer high rate water pressure hubble space doubly stochastic open source tool source software development free and open capacity allocation low rate source software project group lasso path protection sparse learning backup path rate wireles open source gi spare capacity optimal reconfiguration source gi multi-task deep backward doubly stochastic doubly stochastic differential backward doubly big bang-big crunch low rate wireles survivable routing multi-task deep learning guidance sensor bang-big crunch big bang-big multi-task learning approach source software tool deep multi-task deep multi-task learning pose-invariant face high water pressure fine guidance shared backup fine guidance sensor multi-task convolutional neural multi-task learning model source gis software shared backup path multi-task feature bang-big crunch algorithm backup path protection approximating optimal crunch algorithm multi-task learning method software movement multi-task network spare capacity allocation multi-task convolutional multi-task cnn multi-task sparse multi-task feature learning multi-task regression multi-task allocation feature learning algorithm multiple related task multi-task multi-view multi-task learning algorithm soils contaminated