
1983 - Plant physiology

Effects of low concentrations of o(3) on net photosynthesis, dark respiration, and chlorophyll contents in aging hybrid poplar leaves.

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Chronic exposure of hybrid poplar (Populus deltoides x trichocarpa) plants to low concentrations of ozone had negative impact upon net photosynthetic capacity, dark respiration, and leaf chlorophyll contents. Exposure to as much as 0.20 microliters per liter O(3) had no immediate effect on net photosynthesis (P(n)), but chronic exposure to 0.125 or 0.085 microliters per liter had a number of gradual effects on CO(2) exchange. These included increased dark respiration and consequently increased light compensation points in very young leaves (4-6 days old); and decreased P(n), leaf chlorophyll a and b contents, light saturation points, and apparent quantum yields in leaves 10 to 70 days old. Decreased P(n) was partially due to accelerated aging in leaves exposed to O(3), and lightsaturated P(n) was linearly related to chlorophyll a + b contents. Differences in light-saturated P(n) between control and O(3)-treated leaves of the same age were mostly due to photosaturation in O(3)-treated leaves and to a much lesser extent to lowered apparent quantum yields. Also, since P(n) and dark respiration were most affected by O(3) at different leaf ages, distinct modes of action are suggested. The effects of leaf aging on CO(2) exchange were considerable, but typical of other species. However, careful monitoring of the interacting effects of leaf age and pollutant exposure was needed in order to characterize the impact of chronic O(3) exposure upon CO(2) exchange.

2014 - PloS one

Variation in Chlorophyll Content per Unit Leaf Area in Spring Wheat and Implications for Selection in Segregating Material

Reduced levels of leaf chlorophyll content per unit leaf area in crops may be of advantage in the search for higher yields. Possible reasons include better light distribution in the crop canopy and less photochemical damage to leaves absorbing more light energy than required for maximum photosynthesis. Reduced chlorophyll may also reduce the heat load at the top of canopy, reducing water requirements to cool leaves. Chloroplasts are nutrient rich and reducing their number may increase available nutrients for growth and development. To determine whether this hypothesis has any validity in spring wheat requires an understanding of genotypic differences in leaf chlorophyll content per unit area in diverse germplasm. This was measured with a SPAD 502 as SPAD units. The study was conducted in series of environments involving up to 28 genotypes, mainly spring wheat. In general, substantial and repeatable genotypic variation was observed. Consistent SPAD readings were recorded for different sampling positions on leaves, between different leaves on single plant, between different plants of the same genotype, and between different genotypes grown in the same or different environments. Plant nutrition affected SPAD units in nutrient poor environments. Wheat genotypes DBW 10 and Transfer were identified as having consistent and contrasting high and low average SPAD readings of 52 and 32 units, respectively, and a methodology to allow selection in segregating populations has been developed.


genetic algorithm data mining big datum power consumption data structure association rule data stream programmable gate array field programmable gate elliptic curve data mining technique efficient algorithm smart card fpga implementation association rule mining mining algorithm power analysi frequent itemset hyperspectral datum sliding window frequent pattern leaf area apriori algorithm mining association rule leaf area index side channel uncertain datum differentially private leakage power algorithmic approach mining association elliptic curve cryptosystem mining frequent itemset mining curve cryptosystem frequent itemset mining plant leaf power analysis attack differential power analysi item set data mining task data stream mining frequent item analysis attack differential power high utility stream mining mining frequent itemset chlorophyll content maximal frequent mining frequent pattern false negative data mining problem high utility itemset frequent closed frequent itemsets mining utility itemset association mining closed itemset chlorophyll fluorescence itemsets mining transactional datum efficient mining correlation power analysi side channel analysi dpa attack maximal frequent itemset frequent closed itemset mining problem mining maximal frequent mining data stream closed frequent mining maximal itemset mining algorithm simple power analysi mining frequent closed leaf chlorophyll content memory consumption leaf chlorophyll finding frequent closed frequent itemset maximum frequent discovering frequent koblitz curve weighted frequent mining closed estimating leaf vegetative growth cryptographic circuit fast mining airborne spectrographic imager chlorophyll meter compact airborne spectrographic finding frequent itemset mining closed frequent top-k frequent estimation of leaf leakage power analysi discovering frequent itemset transactional data stream parallel frequent weighted frequent itemset prosail model discovery of association approximate frequent mining top-k frequent parallel frequent itemset itemset mining problem probabilistic frequent itemset number of transactions frequent itemsets algorithm find frequent itemset