
2015 - Journal of Internet Technology

Mutual Verifiable Provable Data Auditing in Public Cloud Storage

Cloud storage is now a hot research topic in information technology. In cloud storage, date security properties such as data confidentiality, integrity and availability become more and more important in many commercial applications. Recently, many provable data possession (PDP) schemes are proposed to protect data integrity. In some cases, it has to delegate the remote data possession checking task to some proxy. However, these PDP schemes are not secure since the proxy stores some state information in cloud storage servers. Hence, in this paper, we propose an efficient mutual verifiable provable data possession scheme, which utilizes Diffie-Hellman shared key to construct the homomorphic authenticator. In particular, the verifier in our scheme is stateless and independent of the cloud storage service. It is worth noting that the presented scheme is very efficient compared with the previous PDP schemes, since the bilinear operation is not required.

2013 - IEEE Transactions on Services Computing

Proxy Provable Data Possession in Public Clouds

Recently, cloud computing rapidly expands as an alternative to conventional computing due to it can provide a flexible, dynamic and resilient infrastructure for both academic and business environments. In public cloud environment, the client moves its data to public cloud server (PCS) and cannot control its remote data. Thus, information security is an important problem in public cloud storage, such as data confidentiality, integrity, and availability. In some cases, the client has no ability to check its remote data possession, such as the client is in prison because of committing crime, on the ocean-going vessel, in the battlefield because of the war, and so on. It has to delegate the remote data possession checking task to some proxy. In this paper, we study proxy provable data possession (PPDP). In public clouds, PPDP is a matter of crucial importance when the client cannot perform the remote data possession checking. We study the PPDP system model, the security model, and the design method. Based on the bilinear pairing technique, we design an efficient PPDP protocol. Through security analysis and performance analysis, our protocol is provable secure and efficient.


neural network power system internet of things electric vehicle data analysi renewable energy smart grid learning algorithm power grid image compression hyperspectral image matrix factorization source separation cyber-physical system energy management system sparse representation deep convolutional cloud storage blind source separation demand response blind source gradient method renewable energy system grid system dictionary learning hyperspectral datum latent semantic spectral clustering nonnegative matrix nonnegative matrix factorization hyperspectral imagery low rank image representation image inpainting public cloud matrix completion spectral datum smart grid system smart grid technology remote datum smart grid communication tensor factorization data matrix latent factor future smart grid factorization method spectral unmixing grid communication hyperspectral unmixing international system future smart smart power grid nonnegative matrice power grid system dictionary learning algorithm matrix factorization method data possession projected gradient graph regularized factorization based nonnegative tensor provable data possession system of units image inpainting method smart grid security provable datum public cloud storage matrix factorization technique projected gradient method factorization technique nonnegative tensor factorization nmf algorithm low-rank matrix factorization exemplar-based image inpainting image inpainting technique emerging smart grid matrix factorization problem multiplicative update based image inpainting regularized nonnegative matrix constrained nonnegative matrix sparse nonnegative kernel k-means clustering regularized nonnegative sparse nonnegative matrix matrix and tensor sparse nmf constrained nonnegative high-dimensional vector nmf method orthogonal nonnegative matrix graph regularized nonnegative nonnegative datum multi-way datum nonnegative tucker decomposition lee and seung weighted nonnegative matrix weighted nonnegative robust nonnegative matrix projective nonnegative matrix als algorithm robust nonnegative input data matrix projective nonnegative semantic image inpainting fast nonnegative wind power