
1999 - VLDB

Similarity Search in High Dimensions via Hashing

The nearestor near-neighbor query problems arise in a large variety of database applications, usually in the context of similarity searching. Of late, there has been increasing interest in building search/index structures for performing similarity search over high-dimensional data, e.g., image databases, document collections, time-series databases, and genome databases. Unfortunately, all known techniques for solving this problem fall prey to the \curse of dimensionality." That is, the data structures scale poorly with data dimensionality; in fact, if the number of dimensions exceeds 10 to 20, searching in k-d trees and related structures involves the inspection of a large fraction of the database, thereby doing no better than brute-force linear search. It has been suggested that since the selection of features and the choice of a distance metric in typical applications is rather heuristic, determining an approximate nearest neighbor should su ce for most practical purposes. In this paper, we examine a novel scheme for approximate similarity search based on hashing. The basic idea is to hash the points Supported by NAVY N00014-96-1-1221 grant and NSF Grant IIS-9811904. Supported by Stanford Graduate Fellowship and NSF NYI Award CCR-9357849. Supported by ARO MURI Grant DAAH04-96-1-0007, NSF Grant IIS-9811904, and NSF Young Investigator Award CCR9357849, with matching funds from IBM, Mitsubishi, Schlumberger Foundation, Shell Foundation, and Xerox Corporation. Permission to copy without fee all or part of this material is granted provided that the copies are not made or distributed for direct commercial advantage, the VLDB copyright notice and the title of the publication and its date appear, and notice is given that copying is by permission of the Very Large Data Base Endowment. To copy otherwise, or to republish, requires a fee and/or special permission from the Endowment. Proceedings of the 25th VLDB Conference, Edinburgh, Scotland, 1999. from the database so as to ensure that the probability of collision is much higher for objects that are close to each other than for those that are far apart. We provide experimental evidence that our method gives signi cant improvement in running time over other methods for searching in highdimensional spaces based on hierarchical tree decomposition. Experimental results also indicate that our scheme scales well even for a relatively large number of dimensions (more than 50).

1993 - FODO

Efficient Similarity Search In Sequence Databases

We propose an indexing method for time sequences for processing similarity queries. We use the Discrete Fourier Transform (DFT) to map time sequences to the frequency domain, the crucial observation being that, for most sequences of practical interest, only the first few frequencies are strong. Another important observation is Parseval's theorem, which specifies that the Fourier transform preserves the Euclidean distance in the time or frequency domain. Having thus mapped sequences to a lower-dimensionality space by using only the first few Fourier coefficients, we use R * -trees to index the sequences and efficiently answer similarity queries. We provide experimental results which show that our method is superior to search based on sequential scanning. Our experiments show that a few coefficients (1–3) are adequate to provide good performance. The performance gain of our method increases with the number and length of sequences.

1997 - VLDB

M-tree: An Efficient Access Method for Similarity Search in Metric Spaces

A new access method, called M-tree, is proposed to organize and search large data sets from a generic “metric space”, i.e. where object proximity is only defined by a distance function satisfying the positivity, symmetry, and triangle inequality postulates. We detail algorithms for insertion of objects and split management, which keep the M-tree always balanced - several heuristic split alternatives are considered and experimentally evaluated. Algorithms for similarity (range and k-nearest neighbors) queries are also described. Results from extensive experimentation with a prototype system are reported, considering as the performance criteria the number of page I/O’s and the number of distance computations. The results demonstrate that the Mtree indeed extends the domain of applicability beyond the traditional vector spaces, performs reasonably well in high-dimensional data spaces, and scales well in case of growing files.

2001 - Knowledge and Information Systems

Dimensionality Reduction for Fast Similarity Search in Large Time Series Databases

Abstract. The problem of similarity search in large time series databases has attracted much attention recently. It is a non-trivial problem because of the inherent high dimensionality of the data. The most promising solutions involve first performing dimensionality reduction on the data, and then indexing the reduced data with a spatial access method. Three major dimensionality reduction techniques have been proposed: Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), the Discrete Fourier transform (DFT), and more recently the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT). In this work we introduce a new dimensionality reduction technique which we call Piecewise Aggregate Approximation (PAA). We theoretically and empirically compare it to the other techniques and demonstrate its superiority. In addition to being competitive with or faster than the other methods, our approach has numerous other advantages. It is simple to understand and to implement, it allows more flexible distance measures, including weighted Euclidean queries, and the index can be built in linear time.

2011 - Proc. VLDB Endow.


Similarity search is a primitive operation in database and Web search engines. With the advent of large-scale heterogeneous information networks that consist of multi-typed, interconnected objects, such as the bibliographic networks and social media networks, it is important to study similarity search in such networks. Intuitively, two objects are similar if they are linked by many paths in the network. However, most existing similarity measures are defined for homogeneous networks. Different semantic meanings behind paths are not taken into consideration. Thus they cannot be directly applied to heterogeneous networks. In this paper, we study similarity search that is defined among the same type of objects in heterogeneous networks. Moreover, by considering different linkage paths in a network, one could derive various similarity semantics. Therefore, we introduce the concept of meta path-based similarity, where a meta path is a path consisting of asequence of relations defined between different object types (i.e., structural paths at the meta level). No matter whether a user would like to explicitly specify a path combination given sufficient domain knowledge, or choose the best path by experimental trials, or simply provide training examples to learn it, meta path forms a common base for a network-based similarity search engine. In particular, under the meta path framework we define a novel similarity measure called PathSim that is able to find peer objects in the network (e.g., find authors in the similar field and with similar reputation), which turns out to be more meaningful in many scenarios compared with random-walk based similarity measures. In order to support fast online query processing for PathSim queries, we develop an efficient solution that partially materializes short meta paths and then concatenates them online to compute top-k results. Experiments on real data sets demonstrate the effectiveness and efficiency of our proposed paradigm.

2017 - ArXiv

Billion-Scale Similarity Search with GPUs

Similarity search finds application in database systems handling complex data such as images or videos, which are typically represented by high-dimensional features and require specific indexing structures. This paper tackles the problem of better utilizing GPUs for this task. While GPUs excel at data parallel tasks such as distance computation, prior approaches in this domain are bottlenecked by algorithms that expose less parallelism, such as <inline-formula><tex-math notation="LaTeX">$k$</tex-math><alternatives><mml:math><mml:mi>k</mml:mi></mml:math><inline-graphic xlink:href="johnson-ieq1-2921572.gif"/></alternatives></inline-formula>-min selection, or make poor use of the memory hierarchy. We propose a novel design for <inline-formula><tex-math notation="LaTeX">$k$</tex-math><alternatives><mml:math><mml:mi>k</mml:mi></mml:math><inline-graphic xlink:href="johnson-ieq2-2921572.gif"/></alternatives></inline-formula>-selection. We apply it in different similarity search scenarios, by optimizing brute-force, approximate and compressed-domain search based on product quantization. In all these setups, we outperform the state of the art by large margins. Our implementation operates at up to 55 percent of theoretical peak performance, enabling a nearest neighbor implementation that is 8.5 × faster than prior GPU state of the art. It enables the construction of a high accuracy <inline-formula><tex-math notation="LaTeX">$k$</tex-math><alternatives><mml:math><mml:mi>k</mml:mi></mml:math><inline-graphic xlink:href="johnson-ieq3-2921572.gif"/></alternatives></inline-formula>-NN graph on 95 million images from the <sc>Yfcc100M</sc> dataset in 35 minutes, and of a graph connecting 1 billion vectors in less than 12 hours on 4 Maxwell Titan X GPUs. We have open-sourced our approach for the sake of comparison and reproducibility.

2005 - Advances in Database Systems

Similarity Search - The Metric Space Approach

The proliferation of information housed in computerized domains makes it vital to find tools to search these resources efficiently and effectively. Ordinary retrieval techniques are inadequate because sorting is simply impossible. Consequently, proximity searching has become a fundamental computation task in a variety of application areas. Similarity Search focuses on the state of the art in developing index structures for searching the metric space. Part I of the text describes major theoretical principles, and provides an extensive survey of specific techniques for a large range of applications. Part II concentrates on approaches particularly designed for searching in large collections of data. After describing the most popular centralized disk-based metric indexes, approximation techniques are presented as a way to significantly speed up search time at the cost of some imprecision in query results. Finally, the scalable and distributed metric structures are discussed.

2007 - VLDB

Multi-Probe LSH: Efficient Indexing for High-Dimensional Similarity Search

Similarity indices for high-dimensional data are very desirable for building content-based search systems for feature-rich data such as audio, images, videos, and other sensor data. Recently, locality sensitive hashing (LSH) and its variations have been proposed as indexing techniques for approximate similarity search. A significant drawback of these approaches is the requirement for a large number of hash tables in order to achieve good search quality. This paper proposes a new indexing scheme called multi-probe LSH that overcomes this drawback. Multi-probe LSH is built on the well-known LSH technique, but it intelligently probes multiple buckets that are likely to contain query results in a hash table. Our method is inspired by and improves upon recent theoretical work on entropy-based LSH designed to reduce the space requirement of the basic LSH method. We have implemented the multi-probe LSH method and evaluated the implementation with two different high-dimensional datasets. Our evaluation shows that the multi-probe LSH method substantially improves upon previously proposed methods in both space and time efficiency. To achieve the same search quality, multi-probe LSH has a similar time-efficiency as the basic LSH method while reducing the number of hash tables by an order of magnitude. In comparison with the entropy-based LSH method, to achieve the same search quality, multi-probe LSH uses less query time and 5 to 8 times fewer number of hash tables.

2007 - WWW '07

Scaling up all pairs similarity search

Given a large collection of sparse vector data in a high dimensional space, we investigate the problem of finding all pairs of vectors whose similarity score (as determined by a function such as cosine distance) is above a given threshold. We propose a simple algorithm based on novel indexing and optimization strategies that solves this problem without relying on approximation methods or extensive parameter tuning. We show the approach efficiently handles a variety of datasets across a wide setting of similarity thresholds, with large speedups over previous state-of-the-art approaches.

2001 - SIGMOD '01

Locally adaptive dimensionality reduction for indexing large time series databases

Similarity search in large time series databases has attracted much research interest recently. It is a difficult problem because of the typically high dimensionality of the data.. The most promising solutions involve performing dimensionality reduction on the data, then indexing the reduced data with a multidimensional index structure. Many dimensionality reduction techniques have been proposed, including Singular Value Decomposition (SVD), the Discrete Fourier transform (DFT), and the Discrete Wavelet Transform (DWT). In this work we introduce a new dimensionality reduction technique which we call Adaptive Piecewise Constant Approximation (APCA). While previous techniques (e.g., SVD, DFT and DWT) choose a common representation for all the items in the database that minimizes the global reconstruction error, APCA approximates each time series by a set of constant value segments of varying lengths such that their individual reconstruction errors are minimal. We show how APCA can be indexed using a multidimensional index structure. We propose two distance measures in the indexed space that exploit the high fidelity of APCA for fast searching: a lower bounding Euclidean distance approximation, and a non-lower bounding, but very tight Euclidean distance approximation and show how they can support fast exact searching, and even faster approximate searching on the same index structure. We theoretically and empirically compare APCA to all the other techniques and demonstrate its superiority.

1999 - SSD

3D Shape Histograms for Similarity Search and Classification in Spatial Databases

Classification is one of the basic tasks of data mining in modern database applications including molecular biology, astronomy, mechanical engineering, medical imaging or meteorology. The underlying models have to consider spatial properties such as shape or extension as well as thematic attributes. We introduce 3D shape histograms as an intuitive and powerful similarity model for 3D objects. Particular flexibility is provided by using quadratic form distance functions in order to account for errors of measurement, sampling, and numerical rounding that all may result in small displacements and rotations of shapes. For query processing, a general filter-refinement architecture is employed that efficiently supports similarity search based on quadratic forms. An experimental evaluation in the context of molecular biology demonstrates both, the high classification accuracy of more than 90% and the good performance of the approach.

2018 - Analytical chemistry

METLIN: A Technology Platform for Identifying Knowns and Unknowns.

METLIN originated as a database to characterize known metabolites and has since expanded into a technology platform for the identification of known and unknown metabolites and other chemical entities. Through this effort it has become a comprehensive resource containing over 1 million molecules including lipids, amino acids, carbohydrates, toxins, small peptides, and natural products, among other classes. METLIN's high-resolution tandem mass spectrometry (MS/MS) database, which plays a key role in the identification process, has data generated from both reference standards and their labeled stable isotope analogues, facilitated by METLIN-guided analysis of isotope-labeled microorganisms. The MS/MS data, coupled with the fragment similarity search function, expand the tool's capabilities into the identification of unknowns. Fragment similarity search is performed independent of the precursor mass, relying solely on the fragment ions to identify similar structures within the database. Stable isotope data also facilitate characterization by coupling the similarity search output with the isotopic m/ z shifts. Examples of both are demonstrated here with the characterization of four previously unknown metabolites. METLIN also now features in silico MS/MS data, which has been made possible through the creation of algorithms trained on METLIN's MS/MS data from both standards and their isotope analogues. With these informatic and experimental data features, METLIN is being designed to address the characterization of known and unknown molecules.


The BLAST Sequence Analysis Tool

Summary The comparison of nucleotide or protein sequences from the same or different organisms is a very powerful tool in molecular biology. By finding similarities between sequences, scientists can infer the function of newly sequenced genes, predict new members of gene families, and explore evolutionary relationships. Now that whole genomes are being sequenced, sequence similarity searching can be used to predict the location and function of protein-coding and transcriptionregulation regions in genomic DNA. Basic Local Alignment Search Tool (BLAST) (1, 2) is the tool most frequently used for calculating sequence similarity. BLAST comes in variations for use with different query sequences against different databases. All BLAST applications, as well as information on which BLAST program to use and other help documentation, are listed on the BLAST homepage [http://www.ncbi. nlm.nih.gov/BLAST/]. This chapter will focus more on how BLAST works, its output, and how both the output and program itself can be further manipulated or customized, rather than on how to use BLAST [http://www.ncbi.nlm.nih.gov/Education/BLASTinfo/information3.html] or interpret BLAST results.

1998 - SIGMOD '98

Optimal multi-step k-nearest neighbor search

For an increasing number of modern database applications, efficient support of similarity search becomes an important task. Along with the complexity of the objects such as images, molecules and mechanical parts, also the complexity of the similarity models increases more and more. Whereas algorithms that are directly based on indexes work well for simple medium-dimensional similarity distance functions, they do not meet the efficiency requirements of complex high-dimensional and adaptable distance functions. The use of a multi-step query processing strategy is recommended in these cases, and our investigations substantiate that the number of candidates which are produced in the filter step and exactly evaluated in the refinement step is a fundamental efficiency parameter. After revealing the strong performance shortcomings of the state-of-the-art algorithm for k-nearest neighbor search [Korn et al. 1996], we present a novel multi-step algorithm which is guaranteed to produce the minimum number of candidates. Experimental evaluations demonstrate the significant performance gain over the previous solution, and we observed average improvement factors of up to 120 for the number of candidates and up to 48 for the total runtime.

2014 - ArXiv

Hashing for Similarity Search: A Survey

Similarity search (nearest neighbor search) is a problem of pursuing the data items whose distances to a query item are the smallest from a large database. Various methods have been developed to address this problem, and recently a lot of efforts have been devoted to approximate search. In this paper, we present a survey on one of the main solutions, hashing, which has been widely studied since the pioneering work locality sensitive hashing. We divide the hashing algorithms two main categories: locality sensitive hashing, which designs hash functions without exploring the data distribution and learning to hash, which learns hash functions according the data distribution, and review them from various aspects, including hash function design and distance measure and search scheme in the hash coding space.

2003 - ACM Trans. Database Syst.

Index-driven similarity search in metric spaces (Survey Article)

Similarity search is a very important operation in multimedia databases and other database applications involving complex objects, and involves finding objects in a data set S similar to a query object q, based on some similarity measure. In this article, we focus on methods for similarity search that make the general assumption that similarity is represented with a distance metric d. Existing methods for handling similarity search in this setting typically fall into one of two classes. The first directly indexes the objects based on distances (distance-based indexing), while the second is based on mapping to a vector space (mapping-based approach). The main part of this article is dedicated to a survey of distance-based indexing methods, but we also briefly outline how search occurs in mapping-based methods. We also present a general framework for performing search based on distances, and present algorithms for common types of queries that operate on an arbitrary "search hierarchy." These algorithms can be applied on each of the methods presented, provided a suitable search hierarchy is defined.

2005 - ACM Comput. Surv.

Feature-based similarity search in 3D object databases

The development of effective content-based multimedia search systems is an important research issue due to the growing amount of digital audio-visual information. In the case of images and video, the growth of digital data has been observed since the introduction of 2D capture devices. A similar development is expected for 3D data as acquisition and dissemination technology of 3D models is constantly improving. 3D objects are becoming an important type of multimedia data with many promising application possibilities. Defining the aspects that constitute the similarity among 3D objects and designing algorithms that implement such similarity definitions is a difficult problem. Over the last few years, a strong interest in methods for 3D similarity search has arisen, and a growing number of competing algorithms for content-based retrieval of 3D objects have been proposed. We survey feature-based methods for 3D retrieval, and we propose a taxonomy for these methods. We also present experimental results, comparing the effectiveness of some of the surveyed methods.

2003 - SIGMOD '03

Efficient similarity search and classification via rank aggregation

We propose a novel approach to performing efficient similarity search and classification in high dimensional data. In this framework, the database elements are vectors in a Euclidean space. Given a query vector in the same space, the goal is to find elements of the database that are similar to the query. In our approach, a small number of independent "voters" rank the database elements based on similarity to the query. These rankings are then combined by a highly efficient aggregation algorithm. Our methodology leads both to techniques for computing approximate nearest neighbors and to a conceptually rich alternative to nearest neighbors.One instantiation of our methodology is as follows. Each voter projects all the vectors (database elements and the query) on a random line (different for each voter), and ranks the database elements based on the proximity of the projections to the projection of the query. The aggregation rule picks the database element that has the best median rank. This combination has several appealing features. On the theoretical side, we prove that with high probability, it produces a result that is a (1 + ε) factor approximation to the Euclidean nearest neighbor. On the practical side, it turns out to be extremely efficient, often exploring no more than 5% of the data to obtain very high-quality results. This method is also database-friendly, in that it accesses data primarily in a pre-defined order without random accesses, and, unlike other methods for approximate nearest neighbors, requires almost no extra storage. Also, we extend our approach to deal with the k nearest neighbors.We conduct two sets of experiments to evaluate the efficacy of our methods. Our experiments include two scenarios where nearest neighbors are typically employed---similarity search and classification problems. In both cases, we study the performance of our methods with respect to several evaluation criteria, and conclude that they are uniformly excellent, both in terms of quality of results and in terms of efficiency.

2011 - IJCAI

Learning Hash Functions for Cross-View Similarity Search

Many applications in Multilingual and Multimodal Information Access involve searching large databases of high dimensional data objects with multiple (conditionally independent) views. In this work we consider the problem of learning hash functions for similarity search across the views for such applications. We propose a principled method for learning a hash function for each view given a set of multiview training data objects. The hash functions map similar objects to similar codes across the views thus enabling cross-view similarity search. We present results from an extensive empirical study of the proposed approach which demonstrate its effectiveness on Japanese language People Search and Multilingual People Search problems.

2009 - BPM

Graph Matching Algorithms for Business Process Model Similarity Search

We investigate the problem of ranking all process models in a repository according to their similarity with respect to a given process model. We focus specifically on the application of graph matching algorithms to this similarity search problem. Since the corresponding graph matching problem is NP-complete, we seek to find a compromise between computational complexity and quality of the computed ranking. Using a repository of 100 process models, we evaluate four graph matching algorithms, ranging from a greedy one to a relatively exhaustive one. The results show that the mean average precision obtained by a fast greedy algorithm is close to that obtained with the most exhaustive algorithm.


time series recurrent neural network metric space health care discrete wavelet transform sample size confidence interval discrete fourier transform systematic review dimensionality reduction internet service euclidean distance traffic engineering internet service provider web search engine amino acid internet traffic intensive care unit time warping similarity search background and objective x-ray computed tomography heart failure traffic classification large time body mass index early diagnosi evaluation procedure dimensionality reduction technique growth factor internet routing kidney disease signal transduction symmetric encryption chronic kidney disease sequence database chronic kidney time series database today internet scaling behavior internet backbone searchable symmetric encryption cardiac surgery series database internet traffic classification searchable symmetric oxidative stres publication bia cell surface efficient similarity external validation large time series efficient similarity search time warping distance glomerular filtration rate effective sample size hospital admission fast similarity fast similarity search plasma membrane acute kidney injury acute kidney kidney injury internet traffic engineering approximate similarity search search in large dynamic searchable area under curve kidney transplantation today internet traffic sse scheme dynamic searchable symmetric radical polymerization abbott laboratory traffic classification technique renal replacement therapy cell physiology ckd patient wide-area internet internet traffic measurement improved definition fibroblast growth factor chain transfer biological marker fibroblast growth genetic heterogeneity lipid raft excretory function cns disorder entity name part qualifier - adopted cessation of life standards characteristic complement system protein one thousand hypertensive disease limited stage (cancer stage) tissue membrane glutathione s-transferase adverse reaction to drug diameter (qualifier value) congenital abnormality kidney failure, chronic renal insufficiency creatinine measurement, serum (procedure) forecast of outcome stage level 1 microgram per liter milliliter per minute diagnosis, clinical vesicle (morphologic abnormality) lipid metabolism disorder transplanted tissue membrane protein traffic stage level 3 cfh gene hemolytic-uremic syndrome kidney failure, acute blighia sapida creatinine clearance measurement cystatin c (substance) stage level 5