
2012 - IEEE Transactions on Power Systems

Robust Unit Commitment With Wind Power and Pumped Storage Hydro

As renewable energy increasingly penetrates into power grid systems, new challenges arise for system operators to keep the systems reliable under uncertain circumstances, while ensuring high utilization of renewable energy. With the naturally intermittent renewable energy, such as wind energy, playing more important roles, system robustness becomes a must. In this paper, we propose a robust optimization approach to accommodate wind output uncertainty, with the objective of providing a robust unit commitment schedule for the thermal generators in the day-ahead market that minimizes the total cost under the worst wind power output scenario. Robust optimization models the randomness using an uncertainty set which includes the worst-case scenario, and protects this scenario under the minimal increment of costs. In our approach, the power system will be more reliable because the worst-case scenario has been considered. In addition, we introduce a variable to control the conservatism of our model, by which we can avoid over-protection. By considering pumped-storage units, the total cost is reduced significantly.

2013 - IEEE Journal of Emerging and Selected Topics in Power Electronics

Future on Power Electronics for Wind Turbine Systems

Wind power is still the most promising renewable energy in the year of 2013. The wind turbine system (WTS) started with a few tens of kilowatt power in the 1980s. Now, multimegawatt wind turbines are widely installed even up to 6-8 MW. There is a widespread use of wind turbines in the distribution networks and more and more wind power stations, acting as power plants, are connected directly to the transmission networks. As the grid penetration and power level of the wind turbines increase steadily, the wind power starts to have significant impacts to the power grid system. Therefore, more advanced generators, power electronic systems, and control solutions have to be introduced to improve the characteristics of the wind power plant and make it more suitable to be integrated into the power grid. Meanwhile, there are also some emerging technology challenges, which need to be further clarified and investigated. This paper gives an overview and discusses some development trends in the technologies used for wind power systems. First, the developments of technology and market are generally discussed. Next, several state-of-the-art wind turbine concepts, as well as the corresponding power electronic converters and control structures, are reviewed, respectively. Furthermore, grid requirements and the technology challenges for the future WTS are also addressed.

2016 - IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid

Distributed Economic Dispatch for Smart Grids With Random Wind Power

In this paper, we present a distributed economic dispatch (ED) strategy based on projected gradient and finite-time average consensus algorithms for smart grid systems. Both conventional thermal generators and wind turbines are taken into account in the ED model. By decomposing the centralized optimization into optimizations at local agents, a scheme is proposed for each agent to iteratively estimate a solution of the optimization problem in a distributed manner with limited communication among neighbors. It is theoretically shown that the estimated solutions of all the agents reach consensus of the optimal solution asymptomatically. This scheme also brings some advantages, such as plug-and-play property. Different from most existing distributed methods, the private confidential information, such as gradient or incremental cost of each generator, is not required for the information exchange, which makes more sense in real applications. Besides, the proposed method not only handles quadratic, but also nonquadratic convex cost functions with arbitrary initial values. Several case studies implemented on six-bus power system, as well as the IEEE 30-bus power system, are discussed and tested to validate the proposed method.


neural network power system internet of things electric vehicle data analysi renewable energy smart grid learning algorithm power grid image compression hyperspectral image matrix factorization source separation cyber-physical system energy management system sparse representation deep convolutional cloud storage blind source separation demand response blind source gradient method renewable energy system grid system dictionary learning hyperspectral datum latent semantic spectral clustering nonnegative matrix nonnegative matrix factorization hyperspectral imagery low rank image representation image inpainting public cloud matrix completion spectral datum smart grid system smart grid technology remote datum smart grid communication tensor factorization data matrix latent factor future smart grid factorization method spectral unmixing grid communication hyperspectral unmixing international system future smart smart power grid nonnegative matrice power grid system dictionary learning algorithm matrix factorization method data possession projected gradient graph regularized factorization based nonnegative tensor provable data possession system of units image inpainting method smart grid security provable datum public cloud storage matrix factorization technique projected gradient method factorization technique nonnegative tensor factorization nmf algorithm low-rank matrix factorization exemplar-based image inpainting image inpainting technique emerging smart grid matrix factorization problem multiplicative update based image inpainting regularized nonnegative matrix constrained nonnegative matrix sparse nonnegative kernel k-means clustering regularized nonnegative sparse nonnegative matrix matrix and tensor sparse nmf constrained nonnegative high-dimensional vector nmf method orthogonal nonnegative matrix graph regularized nonnegative nonnegative datum multi-way datum nonnegative tucker decomposition lee and seung weighted nonnegative matrix weighted nonnegative robust nonnegative matrix projective nonnegative matrix als algorithm robust nonnegative input data matrix projective nonnegative semantic image inpainting fast nonnegative wind power