Y. Hayel


Quanyan Zhu, Yezekael Hayel, Rui Zhang, 2017, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications.

Eitan Altman, Rachid El Azouzi, Yezekael Hayel, 2008, IEEE Transactions on Information Theory.

Rachid El Azouzi, Yezekael Hayel, Nesrine Ben Khalifa, 2014, 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.

Rachid El Azouzi, Yezekael Hayel, Nesrine Ben Khalifa, 2018, Dyn. Games Appl..

Amal Abdel Razzac, Y. Hayel, S. Elayoubi, 2016 .

Eitan Altman, Rachid El Azouzi, Yezekael Hayel, 2008, 2008 6th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks and Workshops.

Quanyan Zhu, Manjesh Kumar Hanawal, Yezekael Hayel, 2020, IEEE Transactions on Cognitive Communications and Networking.

Quanyan Zhu, Jean Walrand, Yezekael Hayel, 2019 .

E. Altman, Y. Hayel, François-Xavier Legenvre, 2016 .

Y. Hayel, T. Jiménez, Dominique Quadri, 2014, Annals of Operations Research.

Y. Hayel, R. El-Azouzi, Oussama Habachi, 2017, Telecommunication Systems.

E. Altman, Y. Hayel, Ilaria Brunetti, 2016, Dynamic Games and Applications.

Y. Hayel, R. El-Azouzi, I. Mabrouki, 2016, Dynamic Games and Applications.

Quanyan Zhu, Yezekael Hayel, Quanyan Zhu, 2017, IEEE Transactions on Information Forensics and Security.

Quanyan Zhu, Yezekael Hayel, Quanyan Zhu, 2015, GameSec.

Quanyan Zhu, Yezekael Hayel, Quanyan Zhu, 2015, 2015 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC).

Yezekael Hayel, Samson Lasaulce, Maël Le Treust, 2013, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.

Yezekael Hayel, Mérouane Debbah, Samson Lasaulce, 2011, GAMENETS.

Eitan Altman, Rachid El Azouzi, Yezekael Hayel, 2010, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics).

Eitan Altman, Rachid El Azouzi, Yezekael Hayel, 2009, 2009 International Conference on Game Theory for Networks.

H. Tembine, E. Altman, R. ElAzouzi, 2008, 2008 46th Annual Allerton Conference on Communication, Control, and Computing.

Mihaela van der Schaar, Yezekael Hayel, Oussama Habachi, 2013, 2013 IEEE International Conference on Multimedia and Expo (ICME).

Mihaela van der Schaar, Yezekael Hayel, Oussama Habachi, 2013, IEEE Transactions on Signal Processing.

Mihaela van der Schaar, Feng Wu, Yezekael Hayel, 2012, IEEE Journal on Selected Areas in Communications.

Mihaela van der Schaar, Feng Wu, Yezekael Hayel, 2012, 2012 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC).

Eitan Altman, Yezekael Hayel, Hamidou Tembine, 2009 .

Eitan Altman, Yezekael Hayel, Ilaria Brunetti, 2016, Dynamic Games and Applications.

Rachid El Azouzi, Yezekael Hayel, Nesrine Ben Khalifa, 2016, Dynamic Games and Applications.

Rachid El Azouzi, Yezekael Hayel, Nesrine Ben Khalifa, 2017, ArXiv.

Eitan Altman, Yezekael Hayel, Ilaria Brunetti, 2015, 2015 American Control Conference (ACC).

Eitan Altman, Rachid El Azouzi, Yezekael Hayel, 2011, Telecommun. Syst..

Eitan Altman, Rachid El Azouzi, Yezekael Hayel, 2008, 2008 6th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks and Workshops.

Eitan Altman, Rachid El Azouzi, Yezekael Hayel, 2007, ValueTools '07.

Rachid El Azouzi, Yezekael Hayel, Oussama Habachi, 2016, Telecommun. Syst..

Eitan Altman, Rachid El Azouzi, Yezekael Hayel, 2009, Comput. Networks.

Yezekael Hayel, Eitan Altaian, Y. Hayel, 2008, IEEE INFOCOM 2008 - The 27th Conference on Computer Communications.

Eitan Altman, Yezekael Hayel, Alexandre Reiffers, 2014, 2014 7th International Conference on NETwork Games, COntrol and OPtimization (NetGCoop).

Quanyan Zhu, Yezekael Hayel, David Starobinski, 2016, Oper. Res. Lett..

Yezekael Hayel, Bruno Tuffin, Y. Hayel, 2005, Comput. Networks.

Yezekael Hayel, Charles A. Kamhoua, Olivier Tsemogne, 2021, IEEE Internet of Things Journal.

Eitan Altman, Yezekael Hayel, Piet Van Mieghem, 2014, IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems.

Yezekael Hayel, Olivier Beaude, Alban Jeandin, 2020, IEEE Transactions on Intelligent Transportation Systems.

Essaid Sabir, Rachid El Azouzi, Yezekael Hayel, 2009, 2009 International Conference on Game Theory for Networks.

Rachid El Azouzi, Yezekael Hayel, Mérouane Debbah, 2009, IEEE Transactions on Wireless Communications.

Yezekael Hayel, Luce Brotcorne, Dominique Quadri, 2016, Electron. Notes Discret. Math..

Eitan Altman, Yezekael Hayel, Hisao Kameda, 2011, International Conference on NETwork Games, Control and Optimization (NetGCooP 2011).

Amal Abdel Razzac, Yezekael Hayel, Tijani Chahed, 2017, Asia Pac. J. Oper. Res..

Y. Hayel, A. Berthet, V. Varma, 2023, Physical review. E.

Yezekael Hayel, Olivier Beaude, Alban Jeandin, 2020, IEEE Transactions on Smart Grid.

Eitan Altman, Yezekael Hayel, Hisao Kameda, 2007, 2007 5th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc and Wireless Networks and Workshops.

Essaid Sabir, Rachid El Azouzi, Yezekael Hayel, 2012, Comput. Commun..

Yezekael Hayel, Parijat Dube, Y. Hayel, 2006, The 8th IEEE International Conference on E-Commerce Technology and The 3rd IEEE International Conference on Enterprise Computing, E-Commerce, and E-Services (CEC/EEE'06).

Yezekael Hayel, Parijat Dube, Laura Wynter, 2004, I3E.

Y. Hayel, R. El-Azouzi, N. Ben-Khalifa, 2017, Dynamic Games and Applications.

Rachid El Azouzi, Yezekael Hayel, Nesrine Ben Khalifa, 2015, 2015 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC).

Eitan Altman, Yezekael Hayel, Alexandre Reiffers, 2015, 2015 IEEE/ACM International Conference on Advances in Social Networks Analysis and Mining (ASONAM).

Eitan Altman, Yezekael Hayel, Stojan Trajanovski, 2017, IEEE Transactions on Control of Network Systems.

Yezekael Hayel, Oussama Habachi, Majed Haddad, 2012, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.

Yezekael Hayel, Olivier Beaude, Alban Jeandin, 2019, World Electric Vehicle Journal.

Eitan Altman, Rachid El Azouzi, Yezekael Hayel, 2008, VALUETOOLS.

E. Altman, Y. Hayel, R. E. Azouzi, 2008, 2008 6th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc, and Wireless Networks and Workshops.

Eitan Altman, Yezekael Hayel, Salah-Eddine Elayoubi, 2017, Perform. Evaluation.

Yezekael Hayel, Samson Lasaulce, Gaoning He, 2011, 2011 Proceedings IEEE INFOCOM.

Yezekael Hayel, Mérouane Debbah, Samson Lasaulce, 2010, 2010 Proceedings of the Fifth International Conference on Cognitive Radio Oriented Wireless Networks and Communications.

Rachid El Azouzi, Yezekael Hayel, Mérouane Debbah, 2008, VALUETOOLS.

Eitan Altman, Yezekael Hayel, Andrey Garnaev, 2012, 2012 6th International Conference on Network Games, Control and Optimization (NetGCooP).

Eitan Altman, Yezekael Hayel, Alexandre Reiffers, 2014, 2014 Sixth International Conference on Communication Systems and Networks (COMSNETS).

Eitan Altman, Yezekael Hayel, Alexandre Reiffers, 2015, ArXiv.

Eitan Altman, Yezekael Hayel, Tania Jiménez, 2012, Networking.

Yezekael Hayel, Salah-Eddine Elayoubi, Samson Lasaulce, 2014, IEEE Transactions on Vehicular Technology.

Yezekael Hayel, Mérouane Debbah, Salah-Eddine Elayoubi, 2012, 2012 IEEE International Conference on Communications (ICC).

Quanyan Zhu, Yezekael Hayel, Quanyan Zhu, 2015, 2015 49th Annual Conference on Information Sciences and Systems (CISS).

Eitan Altman, Yezekael Hayel, Konstantin Avrachenkov, 2011, VALUETOOLS.

Yezekael Hayel, Jayakrishnan Nair, Manjesh K. Hanawal, 2019, ArXiv.

E. Altman, Y. Hayel, E. Hart, 2011, Lecture Notes of the Institute for Computer Sciences, Social Informatics and Telecommunications Engineering.

Yezekael Hayel, Oussama Habachi, Majed Haddad, 2015, 2015 IFIP Networking Conference (IFIP Networking).

Yezekael Hayel, Oussama Habachi, Majed Haddad, 2014, PERV.

Yezekael Hayel, Oussama Habachi, Majed Haddad, 2014, IEEE Transactions on Communications.

Y. Hayel, S. Lasaulce, Stefan Cerovic, 2023, EURASIP Journal on Wireless Communications and Networking.

Eitan Altman, Yezekael Hayel, Alexandre Reiffers, 2017, IEEE Transactions on Signal and Information Processing over Networks.

Eitan Altman, Yezekael Hayel, Elena Veronica Belmega, 2011, Dynamic Games and Applications.

Eitan Altman, Rachid El Azouzi, Yezekael Hayel, 2008, Networking.

Ali Al Khansa, Y. Hayel, S. Lasaulce, 2022, 2022 27th Asia Pacific Conference on Communications (APCC).

Y. Hayel, S. Lasaulce, R. Visoz, 2021, 2021 IEEE 3rd International Multidisciplinary Conference on Engineering Technology (IMCET).

Eitan Altman, Yezekael Hayel, E. Altman, 2010, IEEE Transactions on Automatic Control.

E. Altman, Y. Hayel, R. E. Azouzi, 2010, IEEE Transactions on Systems, Man, and Cybernetics, Part B (Cybernetics).

Yezekael Hayel, Bruno Tuffin, Y. Hayel, 2005, NETWORKING.

Yezekael Hayel, Tania Jiménez, Cheng Wan, 2021, EPEW.

Quanyan Zhu, Yezekael Hayel, Sadegh Farhang, 2015, 2015 IEEE Conference on Communications and Network Security (CNS).

Yezekael Hayel, Patrick Maillé, Bruno Tuffin, 2005 .

Yezekael Hayel, Hamidou Tembine, Y. Hayel, 2007, 2007 IEEE Internatonal Conference on Mobile Adhoc and Sensor Systems.

Eitan Altman, Yezekael Hayel, Piet Van Mieghem, 2015, 2015 54th IEEE Conference on Decision and Control (CDC).

Eitan Altman, Yezekael Hayel, Piet Van Mieghem, 2014, 53rd IEEE Conference on Decision and Control.

Yezekael Hayel, Bruno Tuffin, David Ros, 2004, IEEE INFOCOM 2004.

Eitan Altman, Yezekael Hayel, Andrey Garnaev, 2012, 2012 10th International Symposium on Modeling and Optimization in Mobile, Ad Hoc and Wireless Networks (WiOpt).

Yezekael Hayel, Dominique Feillet, Ioana C. Bilegan, 2015, EURO J. Transp. Logist..