Novel Function Approximation Techniques for Large-scale Reinforcement Learning

Function approximation can be used to improve the performance of reinforcement learners. Traditional techniques, including Tile Coding and Kanerva Coding, can give poor performance when applied to large-scale problems. In our preliminary work, we show that this poor performance is caused by prototype collisions and uneven prototype visit frequency distributions. We describe our adaptive Kanerva-based function approximation algorithm, based on dynamic prototype allocation and adaptation. We show that probabilistic prototype deletion with prototype splitting can make the distribution of visit frequencies more uniform, and that dynamic prototype allocation and adaptation can reduce prototoype collsisions. This approach can significantly improve the performance of a reinforcement learner. We then show that fuzzy Kanerva-based function approximation can reduce the similarity between the membership vectors of state-action pairs, giving even better results. We use Maximum Likelihood Estimation to adjust the variances of basis functions and tune the receptive fields of prototypes. This approach completely eliminates prototype collisions, and greatly improve the ability of a Kanerva-based reinforcement learner to solve large-scale problems. Since the number of prototypes remains hard to select, we describe a more effective approach for adaptively selecting the number of prototypes. Our new rough sets-based Kanerva-based function approximation uses rough sets theory to explain how prototype

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