Parallel Ensemble Deep Learning for Real-Time Remote Sensing Video Multi-Target Detection

Unmanned aerial vehicle (UAV) is one of the main means of information warfare, such as in battlefield cruises, reconnaissance, and military strikes. Rapid detection and accurate recognition of key targets in UAV images are the basis of subsequent military tasks. The UAV image has characteristics of high resolution and small target size, and in practical application, the detection speed is often required to be fast. Existing algorithms are not able to achieve an effective trade-off between detection accuracy and speed. Therefore, this paper proposes a parallel ensemble deep learning framework for unmanned aerial vehicle video multi-target detection, which is a global and local joint detection strategy. It combines a deep learning target detection algorithm with template matching to make full use of image information. It also integrates multi-process and multi-threading mechanisms to speed up processing. Experiments show that the system has high detection accuracy for targets with focal lengths varying from one to ten times. At the same time, the real-time and stable display of detection results is realized by aiming at the moving UAV video image.

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