Off-line multiresponse optimization of electrochemical surface grinding by a multi-objective programming method

Abstract The objective of this study is to optimize electrochemical grinding (ECG) process responses simultaneously by an off-line multiresponse optimization methodology. The responses considered as objectives are side and bottom overcuts, surface finish, spindle load, total metal removal rate, and wheel wear. Materials of 304 Stainless Steel are ground by the ECG process. The process variables optimized for the above objectives include electrolyte type, wheel material, grit size, grit concentration, d.c. voltage, electrolyte flow rate, wheel speed, feed rate, and ripple effect. A simple weighting method transforms the multi-objective problem into a single-objective programming format and then, by parametric variation of the weights, the set of non-dominated optimum solutions are obtained. It is shown in this paper that the multi-objective optimization methodology can be applied for an ECG operation, and that the optimal operating conditions for any given set of weights can be obtained depending upon the objectives.