Possible Neural Substrates for Orientation Analysis and Perception

Recent research into the response properties of extrastriate visual cortical mechanisms has revealed single-cell functional organisation which closely parallels certain global and apparently emergent properties of psychophysical observation. An attempt is made to relate previous data on orientation illusions and aftereffects to these extrastriate mechanisms and new data which cannot be explained adequately by V1 (striate) orientation channels are discussed. Conversely, properties of cells in areas such as V3, V4, MT, and others seem to provide an obvious neural substrate for global interactions. It is suggested that psychological ‘explanations’ couched in terms of ‘hypotheses’ or ‘cognitive problem solving’ lack heuristic value, and that, in contrast, the properties of extrastriate cells can suggest novel experimental psychophysical paradigms which are designed to probe these higher-order global mechanisms more or less selectively.

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