Local public goods and clubs

[1]  Marcus Berliant,et al.  A foundation of location theory: existence of equilibrium, the welfare theorems, and core , 2004 .

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[5]  Shlomo Weber,et al.  The Art of Making Everybody Happy: How to Prevent a Secession , 2001, SSRN Electronic Journal.

[6]  John P. Conley,et al.  Tiebout Economies with Differential Genetic Types and Endogenously Chosen Crowding Characteristics , 2001, J. Econ. Theory.

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[8]  D. Epple,et al.  Neighborhood Schools, Choice, and the Distribution of Educational Benefits , 2000 .

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[10]  W. Oates,et al.  An Essay on Fiscal Federalism , 1999 .

[11]  Bryan Ellickson,et al.  Clubs and the Market , 1999 .

[12]  Richard Arnott,et al.  A General Equilibrium Spatial Model of Housing Quality and Quantity , 1999 .

[13]  John P. Conley,et al.  Anonymous Lindahl Pricing in a Tiebout Economy with Crowding Types , 1998 .

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[15]  Shlomo Weber,et al.  Equilibrium in a Finite Local Public Goods Economy , 1998 .

[16]  G. Glomm,et al.  Opting out of publicly provided services: A majority voting result , 1998 .

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[18]  D. Epple,et al.  American Economic Association Competition between Private and Public Schools , Vouchers , and Peer-Group Effects , 2007 .

[19]  Dennis Epple,et al.  Equilibrium and Local Redistribution in an Urban Economy when Households Differ in both Preferences and Incomes , 1998 .

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[23]  Raquel Fernández Odd versus even: comparative statics in multicommunity models , 1997 .

[24]  S. Scotchmer,et al.  On price-taking equilibria in club economies with nonanonymous crowding , 1997 .

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[26]  P. Pestieau,et al.  Investment in local public services: Nash equilibrium and social optimum , 1997 .

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[28]  Roger Lagunoff,et al.  A Tiebout Theory of Public vs Private Provision of Collective Goods , 1997 .

[29]  Harold L. Cole,et al.  Valuation Equilibrium with Clubs , 1997 .

[30]  John P. Conley,et al.  Equivalence of the Core and Competitive Equilibrium in a Tiebout Economy with Crowding Types , 1997 .

[31]  John D. Wilson Property taxation, congestion, and local public goods , 1997 .

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[34]  Dennis Epple,et al.  Ends against the middle: Determining public service provision when there are private alternatives , 1996 .

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[42]  Hideo Konishi Voting with Ballots and Feet: Existence of Equilibrium in a Local Public Good Economy , 1996 .

[43]  T. Nechyba Existence of equilibrium and stratification in local and hierarchical Tiebout economies with property taxes and voting , 1996 .

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[53]  D. Epple,et al.  Existence of voting and housing equilibrium in a system of communities with property taxes , 1993 .

[54]  Land Capitalization, Tiebout Mobility, and the Role of Zoning Regulations , 1993 .

[55]  The persistence and inefficiency of property tax finance of local public expenditures , 1993 .

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[78]  Peter M. Mieszkowski,et al.  Taxation and the Tiebout Model: The Differential Effects of Head Taxes, Taxes on Land Rents, and Property Taxes , 1989 .

[79]  P. Pestieau,et al.  Non-cooperative Behavior and Efficient Provision of Public Goods , 1989 .

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