Fast, yet robust end-to-end camera pose estimation for robotic applications

Camera pose estimation in robotic applications is paramount. Most of recent algorithms based on convolutional neural networks demonstrate that they are able to predict the camera pose adequately. However, they usually suffer from the computational complexity which prevent them from running in real-time. Additionally, they are not robust to perturbations such as partial occlusion while they have not been trained on such cases beforehand. To study these limitations, this paper presents a fast and robust end-to-end Siamese convolutional model for robot-camera pose estimation. Two colored-frames are fed to the model at the same time, and the generic features are produced mainly based on the transfer learning. The extracted features are then concatenated, from which the relative pose is directly obtained at the output. Furthermore, a new dataset is generated, which includes several videos taken at various situations for the model evaluation. The proposed technique shows a robust performance even in challenging scenes, which have not been rehearsed during the training phase. Through the experiments conducted with an eye-in-hand KUKA robotic arm, the presented network renders fairly accurate results on camera pose estimation despite scene-illumination changes. Also, the pose estimation is conducted with reasonable accuracy in presence of partial camera occlusion. The results are enhanced by defining a new dynamic weighted loss function. The proposed method is further exploited in visual servoing scenario.

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