Functions of the nucleus of the optic tract (NOT).

Abstract. Ocular pursuit in monkeys, elicited by sinusoidal and triangular (constant velocity) stimuli, was studied before and after lesions of the nucleus of the optic tract (NOT). Before NOT lesions, pursuit gains (eye velocity/target velocity) were close to unity for sinusoidal and constant-velocity stimuli at frequencies up to 1 Hz. In this range, retinal slip was less than 2°. Electrode tracks made to identify the location of NOT caused deficits in ipsilateral pursuit, which later recovered. Small electrolytic lesions of NOT reduced ipsilateral pursuit gains to below 0.5 in all tested conditions. Pursuit was better, however, when the eyes moved from the contralateral side toward the center (centripetal pursuit) than from the center ipsilaterally (centrifugal pursuit), although the eyes remained in close proximity to the target with saccadic tracking. Effects of lesions on ipsilateral pursuit were not permanent, and pursuit gains had generally recovered to 60–80% of baseline after about 2 weeks. One animal had bilateral NOT lesions and lost pursuit for 4 days. Thereafter, it had a centrifugal pursuit deficit that lasted for more than 2 months. Vertical pursuit and visually guided saccades were not affected by the bilateral NOT lesions in this animal. We also compared effects of these and similar NOT lesions on optokinetic nystagmus (OKN) and optokinetic after-nystagmus (OKAN). Correlation of functional deficits with NOT lesions from this and previous studies showed that rostral lesions of NOT in and around the pretectal olivary nucleus, which interrupted cortical input through the brachium of the superior colliculus (BSC), affected both smooth pursuit and OKN. In two animals in which it was tested, NOT lesions that caused a deficit in pursuit also decreased the rapid and slow components of OKN slow-phase velocity and affected OKAN. It was previously shown that slightly more caudal NOT lesions were more effective in altering gain adaptation of the angular vestibulo-ocular relfex (aVOR). The present findings suggest that cortical pathways through rostral NOT play an important role in maintenance of ipsilateral ocular pursuit. Since lesions that affected ocular pursuit had similar effects on ipsilateral OKN, processing for these two functions is probably closely linked in NOT, as it is elsewhere.

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