Partial-Softmax Loss based Deep Hashing

Recently, deep supervised hashing methods have shown state-of-the-art performance by integrating feature learning and hash codes learning into an end-to-end network to generate high-quality hash codes. However, it is still a challenge to learn discriminative hash codes for preserving the label information of images efficiently. To overcome this difficulty, in this paper, we propose a novel Partial-Softmax Loss based Deep Hashing, called PSLDH, to generate high-quality hash codes. Specifically, PSLDH first trains a category hashing network to generate a discriminative hash code for each category, and the hash code will preserve semantic information of the corresponding category well. Then, instead of defining the similarity between datapairs using their corresponding label vectors, we directly use the learned hash codes of categories to supervise the learning process of image hashing network, and a novel Partial-SoftMax loss is proposed to optimize the image hashing network. By minimizing the novel Partial-SoftMax loss, the learned hash codes can preserve the label information of images sufficiently. Extensive experiments on three benchmark datasets show that the proposed method outperforms the state-of-the-art baselines in image retrieval task.

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