Building a Semantic Wiki

The semantic Web vision of a "unifying logical language that enables concepts to be progressively linked into a universal Web" is part of along lineage of dreams of a universal repository of ideas: from Diderot's universal encyclopedia in the 18th century to Vannevar Bush's Memex at the beginning of the computer age to Ted Nelson's Xanadu in the 1970s. However, the semantic Web's development so far has focused primarily on metadata and carefully designed data structures. To realize Berners-Lee's vision, the semantic Web must capture and represent content created every day by people without special training - such content includes blogs, emails, and discussion groups. Rhizome is an experimental, open source content management framework the author have created that can capture and represent informal, human-authored content in a semantically rich manner. Rhizome aims to help bring about a new kind of commons - one of ideas. This commons wouldn't comprise just a web of interlinked pages of content, as is the current World Wide Web, but a web of relationships between the underlying ideas and distinctions that the content implies: a permanent, universally accessible interlinking of content based on imputed semantics such as concepts, definitions, or structured argumentation.