More Compact E-Cash with Efficient Coin Tracing

In 1982, Chaum [21] pioneered the anonymous e-cash which finds many applications in e-commerce. In 1993, Brands [8–10] and Ferguson [30, 31] published on single-term offline anonymous ecash which were the first practical e-cash. Their constructions used blind signatures and were inefficient to implement multi-spendable e-cash. In 1995, Camenisch, Hohenberger, and Lysyanskaya [12] gave the first compact 2-spendable e-cash, using zero-knowledge-proof techniques. They left an open problem of the simultaneous attainment of O(1)-unit wallet size and efficient coin tracing. The latter property is needed to revoke bad coins from over-spenders. In this paper, we solve [12]’s open problem, and thus enable the first practical compact e-cash. We use a new technique whose security reduces to a new intractability assumption: the Decisional Harmonically-Tipped Diffie-Hellman (DHTDH) Assumption.

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