Charles G. Gross

[1]  G. Orban,et al.  Macaque Inferior Temporal Neurons Are Selective for Three-Dimensional Boundaries and Surfaces , 2001, The Journal of Neuroscience.

[2]  C. Gross Brain, Vision, Memory: Tales in the History of Neuroscience , 1998 .

[3]  R. Desimone,et al.  Visual properties of neurons in a polysensory area in superior temporal sulcus of the macaque. , 1981, Journal of neurophysiology.

[4]  C. Gross,et al.  Inferotemporal evoked potentials during visual discrimination performance by monkeys. , 1968, Journal of comparative and physiological psychology.

[5]  R. Desimone,et al.  Columnar organization of directionally selective cells in visual area MT of the macaque. , 1984, Journal of neurophysiology.

[6]  P M Gochin Properties of simulated neurons from a model of primate inferior temporal cortex. , 1994, Cerebral cortex.

[7]  T. Poggio,et al.  Neural mechanisms of object recognition , 2002, Current Opinion in Neurobiology.

[8]  Katherine M. Armstrong,et al.  Selective gating of visual signals by microstimulation of frontal cortex , 2003, Nature.

[9]  A. A. Buerger,et al.  Effects of ventral putamen lesions on discrimination learning by monkeys. , 1974, Journal of comparative and physiological psychology.

[10]  Sanger Brown,et al.  An Investigation into the Functions of the Occipital and Temporal Lobes of the Monkey's Brain , 1888 .

[11]  G. Schneider,et al.  Contrasting visuomotor functions of tectum and cortex in the golden hamster , 1967, Psychologische Forschung.

[12]  D I Perrett,et al.  Organization and functions of cells responsive to faces in the temporal cortex. , 1992, Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences.

[13]  C. Gross,et al.  Diminished adult neurogenesis in the marmoset brain precedes old age , 2007, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences.

[14]  I. Fujita The inferior temporal cortex: Architecture, computation, and representation , 2002, Journal of neurocytology.

[15]  C. Gross Hans-Lukas Teuber: a tribute. , 1994, Cerebral cortex.

[16]  E. Adelson,et al.  The analysis of moving visual patterns , 1985 .

[17]  Y. Miyashita,et al.  Selective zif268 mRNA induction in the perirhinal cortex of macaque monkeys during formation of visual pair‐association memory , 2002, Journal of neurochemistry.

[18]  H. Cameron,et al.  Adrenal hormones suppress cell division in the adult rat dentate gyrus , 1992, The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience.


[20]  C. Gross,et al.  Partial reinforcement: effects on visual learning after foveal prestriate and inferotemporal lesions. , 1971, Physiology & behavior.

[21]  M S Graziano,et al.  Coding the locations of objects in the dark. , 1997, Science.

[22]  C. Gross,et al.  Representations of faces and body parts in macaque temporal cortex: a functional MRI study. , 2005, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

[23]  R. Desimone,et al.  Stimulus-selective properties of inferior temporal neurons in the macaque , 1984, The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience.

[24]  C. Gross,et al.  Neurogenesis in the neocortex of adult primates. , 1999, Science.

[25]  Diane Ravitch,et al.  The Troubled Crusade: American Education, 1945-1980 , 1983 .

[26]  S Yamane,et al.  Color selectivity of neurons in the inferior temporal cortex of the awake macaque monkey , 1992, The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience.

[27]  R. Rosenblatt,et al.  Coming Apart: A Memoir of the Harvard Wars of 1969 , 1997 .

[28]  Leslie G. Ungerleider Two cortical visual systems , 1982 .

[29]  Charles G. Gross,et al.  Neurogenesis in the adult brain: death of a dogma , 2000, Nature Reviews Neuroscience.

[30]  R. Desimone,et al.  Responses of Neurons in Inferior Temporal Cortex during Memory- Guided Visual Search , 1998 .

[31]  T Moore,et al.  Control of eye movements and spatial attention. , 2001, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

[32]  N. Markowitz,et al.  The Great Fear: The Anti-Communist Purge Under Truman and Eisenhower. , 1980 .

[33]  C G Gross,et al.  Responses of inferior temporal cortex and hippocampal neurons during delayed matching to sample in monkeys (Macaca fascicularis). , 1994, Behavioral neuroscience.

[34]  C. Gross,et al.  Color categories in macaques. , 1979, Journal of comparative and physiological psychology.

[35]  Charles G. Gross,et al.  Pattern recognition mechanisms , 1985 .

[36]  C. Gross,et al.  Cortical responses to light in unanesthetized monkeys and their alteration by visual system lesions , 2004, Experimental Brain Research.

[37]  T. Allison,et al.  Face-sensitive regions in human extrastriate cortex studied by functional MRI. , 1995, Journal of neurophysiology.

[38]  T. Albright Direction and orientation selectivity of neurons in visual area MT of the macaque. , 1984, Journal of neurophysiology.

[39]  C. Gross,et al.  Visuotopic organization and extent of V3 and V4 of the macaque , 1988, The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience.

[40]  J G Ojemann,et al.  Neuronal activity related to faces and matching in human right nondominant temporal cortex. , 1992, Brain : a journal of neurology.

[41]  C. Gross,et al.  Man, Monkey, and Blindsight , 1998 .

[42]  N. Kanwisher,et al.  How Distributed Is Visual Category Information in Human Occipito-Temporal Cortex? An fMRI Study , 2002, Neuron.

[43]  C. Koch,et al.  Invariant visual representation by single neurons in the human brain , 2005, Nature.

[44]  C. Gross,et al.  Effects of foveal prestriate and inferotemporal lesions on visual discrimination by rhesus monkeys , 2004, Experimental Brain Research.

[45]  N. Logothetis,et al.  Functional imaging of the monkey brain , 1999, Nature Neuroscience.


[47]  C. Gross,et al.  Neural ensemble coding in inferior temporal cortex. , 1994, Journal of neurophysiology.

[48]  D I Perrett,et al.  Frameworks of analysis for the neural representation of animate objects and actions. , 1989, The Journal of experimental biology.

[49]  B. Mcewen,et al.  Proliferation of granule cell precursors in the dentate gyrus of adult monkeys is diminished by stress. , 1998, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

[50]  H. Barlow Summation and inhibition in the frog's retina , 1953, The Journal of physiology.

[51]  T Moore,et al.  Shape representations and visual guidance of saccadic eye movements. , 1999, Science.

[52]  C. Gross,et al.  Left and Right in Science and Art , 1978 .

[53]  C. Gross 7 – The Neural Basis of Stimulus Equivalence Across Retinal Translation , 1977 .

[54]  C G Gross,et al.  Stimulus selectivity and state dependence of activity in inferior temporal cortex of infant monkeys. , 1991, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

[55]  D. Perrett,et al.  Visual neurones responsive to faces in the monkey temporal cortex , 2004, Experimental Brain Research.

[56]  C. Zitron The New York City Teachers Union, 1916-1964 : a story of educational and social commitment , 1968 .

[57]  M Mishkin,et al.  Further evidence on the locus of the visual area in the temporal lobe of the monkey. , 1969, Experimental neurology.

[58]  Mazyar Fallah,et al.  Response latencies of neurons in visual areas MT and MST of monkeys with striate cortex lesions , 2003, Neuropsychologia.

[59]  C. Gross,et al.  Transfer of learned response by RNA injection: failure of attempts to replicate. , 1965, Science.

[60]  H. Cameron,et al.  Differentiation of newly born neurons and glia in the dentate gyrus of the adult rat , 1993, Neuroscience.

[61]  N. Logothetis,et al.  Shape representation in the inferior temporal cortex of monkeys , 1995, Current Biology.

[62]  E. Rolls,et al.  Functional subdivisions of the temporal lobe neocortex , 1987, The Journal of neuroscience : the official journal of the Society for Neuroscience.

[63]  C. Gross Single neuron studies of inferior temporal cortex , 2008, Neuropsychologia.

[64]  E. Gould,et al.  Neurogenesis in adulthood: a possible role in learning , 1999, Trends in Cognitive Sciences.

[65]  Keiji Tanaka,et al.  Inferotemporal cortex and object vision. , 1996, Annual review of neuroscience.

[66]  Tirin Moore,et al.  Visually guided behavior after V1 lesions in young and adult monkeys and its relation to blindsight in humans. , 2004, Progress in brain research.

[67]  C. Gross Visual Functions of Inferotemporal Cortex , 1973 .

[68]  R. Desimone,et al.  Shape recognition and inferior temporal neurons. , 1983, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

[69]  Bender Db Visual sensitivity following inferotemporal and foveal prestriate lesions in the rhesus monkey. , 1973 .

[70]  R. Desimone,et al.  A neural mechanism for working and recognition memory in inferior temporal cortex. , 1991, Science.

[71]  C. Gross,et al.  Visual topography of V2 in the macaque , 1981, The Journal of comparative neurology.

[72]  Hans-Lukas Teuberi THE BRAIN AND HUMAN BEHAVIOUR , 1958, Ulster medical journal.

[73]  R. Held Hans-Lukas Teuber , 1979, Neuropsychologia.

[74]  I. Gauthier,et al.  Expertise for cars and birds recruits brain areas involved in face recognition , 2000, Nature Neuroscience.

[75]  R. Mansfield,et al.  Analysis of visual behavior , 1982 .

[76]  J. M. Warren,et al.  THE FRONTAL GRANULAR CORTEX AND BEHAVIOR , 1964 .

[77]  D. B. Bender,et al.  Contributions of the corpus callosum and the anterior commissure to visual activation of inferior temporal neurons , 1977, Brain Research.

[78]  D. B. Bender,et al.  Visual activation of neurons in inferotemporal cortex depends on striate cortex and forebrain commissures. , 1975, Journal of neurophysiology.

[79]  D. B. Bender,et al.  Retinotopic organization of macaque pulvinar. , 1981, Journal of neurophysiology.

[80]  T D Albright,et al.  Form-cue invariant motion processing in primate visual cortex. , 1992, Science.

[81]  Charles G. Gross,et al.  Perceptual similarity of mirror images in infancy , 1978, Cognition.

[82]  E. Gould,et al.  Neurogenesis in the Dentate Gyrus of the Adult Tree Shrew Is Regulated by Psychosocial Stress and NMDA Receptor Activation , 1997, The Journal of Neuroscience.


[84]  G. Rizzolatti,et al.  Space coding by premotor cortex , 2004, Experimental Brain Research.

[85]  L. Eichel The Harvard strike , 1970 .

[86]  W. Pitts,et al.  What the Frog's Eye Tells the Frog's Brain , 1959, Proceedings of the IRE.

[87]  C. Gross,et al.  Representation of visual stimuli in inferior temporal cortex. , 1992, Philosophical transactions of the Royal Society of London. Series B, Biological sciences.

[88]  C. Gross,et al.  Hippocampal lesions: Effects on memory in rats , 1968 .

[89]  C. Gross Processing the facial image: a brief history. , 2005, The American psychologist.

[90]  R. Desimone,et al.  Visual areas in the temporal cortex of the macaque , 1979, Brain Research.

[91]  P. Gochin,et al.  The representation of shape in the temporal lobe , 1996, Behavioural Brain Research.

[92]  C. Gross,et al.  Functional differentiation along the anterior-posterior axis of the hippocampus in monkeys. , 1998, Journal of neurophysiology.

[93]  M. Sanders Handbook of Sensory Physiology , 1975 .

[94]  I. Biederman,et al.  Inferior Temporal Neurons Show Greater Sensitivity to Nonaccidental than to Metric Shape Differences , 2001, Journal of Cognitive Neuroscience.

[95]  D. B. Bender,et al.  Localization and detection of visual stimuli following superior colliculus lesions in rhesus monkeys , 1978, Brain Research.

[96]  Robert A. Wilson,et al.  Book Reviews: The MIT Encyclopedia of the Cognitive Sciences , 2000, CL.

[97]  J. Lynch Readings in Physiological Psychology , 1970 .

[98]  N. Kanwisher,et al.  The Fusiform Face Area: A Module in Human Extrastriate Cortex Specialized for Face Perception , 1997, The Journal of Neuroscience.

[99]  Mortimer Mishkin,et al.  Cortical Visual Areas and Their Interactions , 1972 .

[100]  K. Pribram,et al.  Further analysis of the temporal lobe syndrome utilizing frontotemporal ablations , 1953, The Journal of comparative neurology.

[101]  E Gould,et al.  Hippocampal neurogenesis in adult Old World primates. , 1999, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

[102]  G L Gerstein,et al.  Single-unit activity in temporal association cortex of the monkey. , 1967, Journal of neurophysiology.

[103]  T. Allison,et al.  Differential Sensitivity of Human Visual Cortex to Faces, Letterstrings, and Textures: A Functional Magnetic Resonance Imaging Study , 1996, The Journal of Neuroscience.

[104]  C. Gross,et al.  Adult-generated hippocampal and neocortical neurons in macaques have a transient existence , 2001, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

[105]  A. Cowey,et al.  Blindsight in monkeys , 1995, Nature.

[106]  C G Gross,et al.  Greater residual vision in monkeys after striate cortex damage in infancy. , 1996, Journal of neurophysiology.

[107]  R. Doty,et al.  Lateralization in the nervous system , 1977 .

[108]  J. Konorski Integrative activity of the brain , 1967 .

[109]  Yevgenia Kozorovitskiy,et al.  Experience induces structural and biochemical changes in the adult primate brain. , 2005, Proceedings of the National Academy of Sciences of the United States of America.

[110]  Jerome Karabel,et al.  The Chosen: The Hidden History of Admission and Exclusion at Harvard, Yale, and Princeton , 2005 .

[111]  C. Gross Psychological Round Table in the 1960s. , 1977 .

[112]  C. Gross,et al.  CURIOSITY IN THE HAMSTER. , 1965, Journal of comparative and physiological psychology.

[113]  C. Gross,et al.  Visual topography of striate projection zone (MT) in posterior superior temporal sulcus of the macaque. , 1981, Journal of neurophysiology.

[114]  C. Gross,et al.  A neuronal representation of the location of nearby sounds , 1999, Nature.

[115]  Cheryl L. Grady,et al.  Mapping the functional neuroanatomy of the intact human brain with brain work imaging , 1991, Neuropsychologia.

[116]  C. Gross,et al.  Perception of symmetry in infancy. , 1981 .

[117]  N. Kanwisher,et al.  Testing cognitive models of visual attention with fMRI and MEG , 2001, Neuropsychologia.

[118]  C. Gross,et al.  Stimulation of Frontal Cortex and Delayed Alternation Performance in the Monkey , 1960, Science.

[119]  M. Gazzaniga The cognitive neurosciences, 3rd edition , 2004 .


[121]  C. Gross,et al.  Coding of visual space by premotor neurons. , 1994, Science.