Deep Discrete Attention Guided Hashing for Face Image Retrieval

Recently, face image hashing has been proposed in large-scale face image retrieval due to its storage and computational efficiency. However, owing to the large intra-identity variation (same identity with different poses, illuminations, and facial expressions) and the small inter-identity separability (different identities look similar) of face images, existing face image hashing methods have limited power to generate discriminative hash codes. In this work, we propose a deep hashing method specially designed for face image retrieval named deep Discrete Attention Guided Hashing (DAGH). In DAGH, the discriminative power of hash codes is enhanced by a well-designed discrete identity loss, where not only the separability of the learned hash codes for different identities is encouraged, but also the intra-identity variation of the hash codes for the same identities is compacted. Besides, to obtain the fine-grained face features, DAGH employs a multi-attention cascade network structure to highlight discriminative face features. Moreover, we introduce a discrete hash layer into the network, along with the proposed modified backpropagation algorithm, our model can be optimized under discrete constraint. Experiments on two widely used face image retrieval datasets demonstrate the inspiring performance of DAGH over the state-of-the-art face image hashing methods.

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