A large-scale, standardized physiological survey reveals higher order coding throughout the mouse visual cortex

To understand how the brain processes sensory information to guide behavior, we must know how stimulus representations are transformed throughout the visual cortex. Here we report an open, large-scale physiological survey of neural activity in the awake mouse visual cortex: the Allen Brain Observatory Visual Coding dataset. This publicly available dataset includes cortical activity from nearly 60,000 neurons collected from 6 visual areas, 4 layers, and 12 transgenic mouse lines from 221 adult mice, in response to a systematic set of visual stimuli. Using this dataset, we reveal functional differences across these dimensions and show that visual cortical responses are sparse but correlated. Surprisingly, responses to different stimuli are largely independent, e.g. whether a neuron responds to natural scenes provides no information about whether it responds to natural movies or to gratings. We show that these phenomena cannot be explained by standard local filter-based models, but are consistent with multi-layer hierarchical computation, as found in deeper layers of standard convolutional neural networks.

Christof Koch | Nicholas Cain | Lydia Ng | Stefan Mihalas | Lu Li | Derric Williams | Colin Farrell | Michael A. Buice | Ulf Knoblich | Daniela Witten | David Feng | R. Clay Reid | Jack Waters | Saskia E. J. de Vries | Peter Ledochowitsch | Marina Garrett | Chinh Dang | Shawn R. Olsen | David Sullivan | Leonard Kuan | Tom Keenan | Amy Bernard | Shiella Caldejon | Linzy Casal | Nathalie Gaudreault | Wayne Wakeman | Ali Williford | John W. Phillips | Saskia E. J. de Vries | Jerome Lecoq | Peter A Groblewski | Gabriel Koch Ocker | Michael Oliver | Daniel Millman | Kate Roll | Carol L. Thompson | Chris Barber | Nathan Berbesque | Brandon Blanchard | Nicholas Bowles | Andrew Cho | Sissy Cross | Tim A. Dolbeare | Melise Edwards | John Galbraith | Fiona Griffin | Perry Hargrave | Robert Howard | Lawrence Huang | Sean Jewell | Nika Keller | Josh Larkin | Rachael Larsen | Chris Lau | Eric Lee | Felix Lee | Arielle Leon | Fuhui Long | Jennifer A. Luviano | Kyla Mace | Thuyanh V. Nguyen | Jed Perkins | Miranda Robertson | Sam Seid | Eric Shea-Brown | Jianghong Shi | Nathan Sjoquist | Cliff Slaughterbeck | Ryan Valenza | Casey White | Jun Zhuang | Hongkui Zeng | Eric T. Shea-Brown | C. Koch | D. Witten | R. Reid | L. Ng | Nicholas Cain | Stefan Mihalas | C. Lau | C. Slaughterbeck | Wayne Wakeman | David Feng | Amy Bernard | Chinh Dang | Hongkui Zeng | Rachael Larsen | P. Groblewski | Fuhui Long | Tim Dolbeare | C. Thompson | M. Buice | U. Knoblich | Daniel J. Millman | J. Waters | P. Ledochowitsch | J. Lecoq | J. Zhuang | Robert E. Howard | Derric Williams | Jianghong Shi | J. Galbraith | S. Caldejon | Felix Lee | K. Roll | Nathan Sjoquist | Marina Garrett | Linzy Casal | Kyla Mace | A. Williford | Arielle Leon | Chris Barber | N. Gaudreault | Fiona Griffin | G. K. Ocker | M. Oliver | T. Keenan | Nathan Berbesque | B. Blanchard | N. Bowles | Andrew Cho | Sissy Cross | Mélise Edwards | P. Hargrave | Lawrence Huang | S. Jewell | Nika H. Keller | Josh D. Larkin | E. Lee | Lu Li | Jed Perkins | M. Robertson | Sam Seid | D. Sullivan | Ryan A. Valenza | Casey White | C. Farrell | Eric Shea-Brown | L. Kuan | Eric Lee | Brandon Blanchard | E. Shea-Brown | Jack Waters | Jun Zhuang

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