Process Management: Why Project Management Fails in Complex Decision Making Processes

1. Prologue. 1.1. Introduction. 1.2. The process approach to change: a tentative description. 1.3. Stucture of the book. Notes. Part I: Introduction to Process Design and Process Management. 2. Positioning the process approach. 2.1. Introduction. 2.2. Process management versus substance. 2.3. Process management versus command and control. 2.4. Process management versus project management. 2.5. Process management versus single-value decision making. 2.6. The main arguments for process management. 2.7. The results of a process: consensus, commitment or tolerance. 2.8. The risks of process thinking. Part III: Process Architecture. 3.Designing a process. 3.1. Introduction. 3.2. The four core elements of a process design. 3.3. Design principles leading to open decision making. 3.4. Design principles protecting parties' core values. 3.5. Design principles guaranteeing the speed of the process. 3.6. Design principles guaranteeing the substance of the notes. Notes. 4: The Process Architect in Action: Making a Process Design. 4.1. Introduction. 4.2. The process design as a result of negotiation. 4.3. The need for a sense of urgency. 4.4. The process architect in action: designing a process. 4.5. Process management and related approaches. Notes. Part III: Managing the Process. 5.1. Introduction. 5.2. Involving parties in the decision making. 5.3. The transformation from substance to process. 5.4. Process and process management are marked by transparency and openness. Notes. 6. Process management and the protection of the parties'core values. 6.1. Introduction. 6.2. Protecting core values. 6.3. Commitment to the process and the result. 6.4. Postponing commitments during the process. 6.5. The exit rules of the process. Notes. 7. The process manager and the speed of decision making. 7.1. Introduction. 7.2. Incentives for cooperative behaviour. 7.3. The process has participants with commitment power. 7.4. Management of the environment. 7.5. Conflicts are transferred to the periphery of the process. 7.6. Command and control in a process: as a driver and as a result of the process. Notes. 8. The process manager and the substance of decision making. 8.1. Introduction. 8.2. Unbundling and bundling experts and stakeholders. 8.3. Intermezzo: strategic behaviour or sound and substantive behaviour? 8.4. The process from substantive variety to selection. Epilogue. References. Index. About the Authors.

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