AliCoCo: Alibaba E-commerce Cognitive Concept Net

One of the ultimate goals of e-commerce platforms is to satisfy various shopping needs for their customers. Much efforts are devoted to creating taxonomies or ontologies in e-commerce towards this goal. However, user needs in e-commerce are still not well defined, and none of the existing ontologies has the enough depth and breadth for universal user needs understanding. The semantic gap in-between prevents shopping experience from being more intelligent. In this paper, we propose to construct a large-scale E-commerce Cognitive Concept Net named "AliCoCo", which is practiced in Alibaba, the largest Chinese e-commerce platform in the world. We formally define user needs in e-commerce, then conceptualize them as nodes in the net. We present details on how AliCoCo is constructed semi-automatically and its successful, ongoing and potential applications in e-commerce.

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