Boosting Crowd Counting with Transformers

Significant progress on the crowd counting problem has been achieved by integrating larger context into convolutional neural networks (CNNs). This indicates that global scene context is essential, despite the seemingly bottom-up nature of the problem. This may be explained by the fact that context knowledge can adapt and improve local feature extraction to a given scene. In this paper, we therefore investigate the role of global context for crowd counting. Specifically, a pure transformer is used to extract features with global information from overlapping image patches. Inspired by classification, we add a context token to the input sequence, to facilitate information exchange with tokens corresponding to image patches throughout transformer layers. Due to the fact that transformers do not explicitly model the tried-and-true channel-wise interactions, we propose a token-attention module (TAM) to recalibrate encoded features through channel-wise attention informed by the context token. Beyond that, it is adopted to predict the total person count of the image through regression-token module (RTM). Extensive experiments demonstrate that our method achieves state-of-the-art performance on various datasets, including ShanghaiTech, UCF-QNRF, JHU-CROWD++ and NWPU. On the large-scale JHU-CROWD++ dataset, our method improves over the previous best results by 26.9% and 29.9% in terms of MAE and MSE, respectively.

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