From mating to mentality: evaluating evolutionary psychology

Preface. Kim Sterelny, Julie Fitness, Introduction: The Evolution of Evolutionary Psychology. Douglas T. Kenrick, D. Vaughn Becker, Jonathan Butner, Norman P. Li, Jon K. Maner, Evolutionary Cognitive Science: Adding What and Why to How the Mind Works. Jeffry A. Simpson and Minda Orina, Strategic Pluralism and Context-Specific Mate Preferences in Humans. Garth J.O. Fletcher and Megan Stenswick, The Intimate Relationship Mind. Raewyn Brockway, Evolving to be Mentalists: The 'Mind-Reading Mums' Hypothesis. James S. Chisholm, Uncertainty, Contingency and Attachment: A Life History Theory of Theory of Mind. Michael C. Corballis, Recursion as the Key to the Human Mind. Thomas Suddendorf, Andrew Whiten, Reinterpreting the Mentality of Apes. Dan Sperber, Vittorio Girotto, Does the Selection Task Detect Cheater-Detection? Richard Siegert, Clinical Psychology and Evolutionary Psychology: Strange Bedfellows? Russell D. Gray, Megan Heaney, Scott Fairhall, Evolutionary Psychology and the Challenge of Adaptive Explanation.

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