GIANT: Scalable Creation of a Web-scale Ontology

Understanding what online users may pay attention to on the web is key to content recommendation and search services. These services will benefit from a highly structured and web-scale ontology of entities, concepts, events, topics and categories. While existing knowledge bases and taxonomies embody a large volume of entities and categories, we argue that they fail to discover properly grained concepts, events and topics in the language style of online users. Neither is a logically structured ontology maintained among these notions. In this paper, we present GIANT, a mechanism to construct a user-centered, web-scale, structured ontology, containing a large number of natural language phrases conforming to user attentions at various granularities, mined from the vast volume of web documents and search click logs. Various types of edges are also constructed to maintain a hierarchy in the ontology. We present our detailed techniques used in GIANT, and evaluate the proposed models and methods as compared to a variety of baselines, as well as deploy the resulted Attention Ontology in real-world applications, involving over a billion users, to observe its effect on content recommendation. The online performance of the ontology built by GIANT proves that it can significantly improve the click-through rate in news feeds recommendation.

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