DynamicSLAM: Leveraging Human Anchors for Ubiquitous Low-Overhead Indoor Localization

We present DynamicSLAM: an indoor localization technique that eliminates the need for the daunting calibration step. DynamicSLAM is a novel Simultaneous Localization And Mapping (SLAM) framework that iteratively acquires the feature map of the environment while simultaneously localizing users relative to this map. Specifically, we employ the phone inertial sensors to keep track of the user's path. To compensate for the error accumulation due to the low-cost inertial sensors, DynamicSLAM leverages unique points in the environment (anchors) as observations to reduce the estimated location error. DynamicSLAM introduces the novel concept of mobile human anchors that are based on the encounters with other users in the environment, significantly increasing the number and ubiquity of anchors and boosting localization accuracy. We present different encounter models and show how they are incorporated in a unified probabilistic framework to reduce the ambiguity in the user location. Furthermore, we present a theoretical proof for system convergence and the human anchors ability to reset the accumulated error. Evaluation of DynamicSLAM using different Android phones shows that it can provide a localization accuracy with a median of 1.1m. This accuracy outperforms the state-of-the-art techniques by 55%, highlighting DynamicSLAM promise for ubiquitous indoor localization.

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