Ipsi- and Contralateral Oligo- and Polysynaptic Reflexes in Humans Revealed by Low-Frequency Epidural Electrical Stimulation of the Lumbar Spinal Cord

Epidural electrical stimulation (EES) applied over the human lumbosacral spinal cord provides access to afferent fibers from virtually all lower-extremity nerves. These afferents connect to spinal networks that play a pivotal role in the control of locomotion. Studying EES-evoked responses mediated through these networks can identify some of their functional components. We here analyzed electromyographic (EMG) responses evoked by low-frequency (2–6 Hz) EES derived from eight individuals with chronic, motor complete spinal cord injury. We identified and separately analyzed three previously undescribed response types: first, crossed reflexes with onset latencies of ~55 ms evoked in the hamstrings; second, oligosynaptic reflexes within 50 ms post-stimulus superimposed on the monosynaptic posterior root-muscle reflexes in the flexor muscle tibialis anterior, but with higher thresholds and no rate-sensitive depression; third, polysynaptic responses with variable EMG shapes within 50–450 ms post-stimulus evoked in the tibialis anterior and triceps surae, some of which demonstrated consistent changes in latencies with graded EES. Our observations suggest the activation of commissural neurons, lumbar propriospinal interneurons, and components of the late flexion reflex circuits through group I and II proprioceptive afferent inputs. These potential neural underpinnings have all been related to spinal locomotion in experimental studies.

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