BiPointNet: Binary Neural Network for Point Clouds

To alleviate the resource constraint for real-time point clouds applications that run on edge devices, we present BiPointNet, the first model binarization approach for efficient deep learning on point clouds. In this work, we discover that the immense performance drop of binarized models for point clouds is caused by two main challenges: aggregation-induced feature homogenization that leads to a degradation of information entropy, and scale distortion that hinders optimization and invalidates scale-sensitive structures. With theoretical justifications and in-depth analysis, we propose Entropy-Maximizing Aggregation(EMA) to modulate the distribution before aggregation for the maximum information entropy, andLayer-wise Scale Recovery(LSR) to efficiently restore feature scales. Extensive experiments show that our BiPointNet outperforms existing binarization methods by convincing margins, at the level even comparable with the full precision counterpart. We highlight that our techniques are generic which show significant improvements on various fundamental tasks and mainstream backbones. BiPoint-Net gives an impressive 14.7 times speedup and 18.9 times storage saving on real-world resource-constrained devices.

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