Building high throughput permissioned blockchain fabrics

Since the introduction of Bitcoin—the first widespread application driven by blockchains—the interest in the design of blockchain-based applications has increased tremendously. At the core of these applications are consensus protocols that securely replicate client requests among all replicas, even if some replicas are Byzantine faulty. Unfortunately, these consensus protocols typically have low throughput, and this lack of performance is often cited as the reason for the slow wider adoption of blockchain technology. Consequently, many works focus on designing more efficient consensus protocols to increase throughput of consensus. We believe that this focus on consensus protocols only explains part of the story. To investigate this belief, we raise a simple question: Can a well-crafted system using a classical consensus protocol outperform systems using modern protocols? In this tutorial, we answer this question by diving deep into the design of blockchain systems. Further, we take an in-depth look at the theory behind consensus, which can help users select the protocol that best-fits their requirements. Finally, we share our vision of high-throughput blockchain systems that operate at large scales. PVLDB Reference Format: Suyash Gupta, Jelle Hellings, Sajjad Rahnama and Mohammad Sadoghi. Building High Throughput Permissioned Blockchain Fabrics: Challenges and Opportunities. PVLDB, (): xxxx-yyyy, 2020. DOI:

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