Combinatorial Auctions

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[1]  R. Gomory,et al.  A Linear Programming Approach to the Cutting-Stock Problem , 1961 .

[2]  William Vickrey,et al.  Counterspeculation, Auctions, And Competitive Sealed Tenders , 1961 .

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[16]  R. Engelbrecht-Wiggans Auctions and Bidding Models: A Survey , 1979 .

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[21]  Dimitri P. Bertsekas,et al.  A new algorithm for the assignment problem , 1981, Math. Program..

[22]  L. Lovász,et al.  Geometric Algorithms and Combinatorial Optimization , 1981 .

[23]  L. Wolsey,et al.  On the greedy heuristic for continuous covering and packing problems , 1982 .

[24]  S. Rassenti,et al.  A Combinatorial Auction Mechanism for Airport Time Slot Allocation , 1982 .

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[30]  D. Angluin Queries and Concept Learning , 1988 .

[31]  Laurence A. Wolsey,et al.  Integer and Combinatorial Optimization , 1988 .

[32]  Antonio Sassano,et al.  On the facial structure of the set covering polytope , 1989, Math. Program..

[33]  J. Banks,et al.  Allocating uncertain and unresponsive resources: an experimental approach. , 1989, The Rand journal of economics.

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[35]  Paolo Toth,et al.  Knapsack Problems: Algorithms and Computer Implementations , 1990 .

[36]  M. Rothkopf,et al.  Why Are Vickrey Auctions Rare? , 1990, Journal of Political Economy.

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[40]  M. Padberg,et al.  Solving airline crew scheduling problems by branch-and-cut , 1993 .

[41]  T. Cason Seller Incentive Properties of EPA′s Emission Trading Auction , 1993 .

[42]  Tuomas Sandholm,et al.  An Implementation of the Contract Net Protocol Based on Marginal Cost Calculations , 1993, AAAI.

[43]  Linus Schrage,et al.  An Auction Method for Course Registration , 1993 .

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[49]  E. Stacchetti,et al.  Multidimensional Mechanism Design for Auctions with Externalities , 1999 .

[50]  Eyal Kushilevitz,et al.  Communication Complexity , 1997, Adv. Comput..

[51]  Jonathan D. Levin An Optimal Auction for Complements , 1997 .

[52]  S. Bikhchandani,et al.  Competitive Equilibrium in an Exchange Economy with Indivisibilities , 1997 .

[53]  Ronald M. Harstad,et al.  Computationally Manageable Combinational Auctions , 1998 .

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[55]  Esther M. Arkin,et al.  On Local Search for Weighted k-Set Packing , 1998, Math. Oper. Res..

[56]  Peter R. Wurman,et al.  Equilibrium Prices in Bundle Auctions , 1999 .

[57]  Tuomas Sandholm,et al.  An algorithm for optimal winner determination in combinatorial auctions , 1999, IJCAI 1999.

[58]  Leslie E. Trotter,et al.  Parallel branch-and-cut for set partitioning , 1999 .

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[61]  Barun Chandra,et al.  Greedy local improvement and weighted set packing approximation , 2001, SODA '99.

[62]  P. Klemperer Auction Theory: A Guide to the Literature , 1999 .

[63]  David C. Parkes,et al.  iBundle: an efficient ascending price bundle auction , 1999, EC '99.

[64]  Moni Naor,et al.  Privacy preserving auctions and mechanism design , 1999, EC '99.

[65]  Yoav Shoham,et al.  Taming the Computational Complexity of Combinatorial Auctions: Optimal and Approximate Approaches , 1999, IJCAI.


[67]  Tuomas Sandholm,et al.  Issues in Computational Vickrey Auctions , 2000, Int. J. Electron. Commer..

[68]  Noam Nisan,et al.  Bidding and allocation in combinatorial auctions , 2000, EC '00.

[69]  Daphne Koller,et al.  Making Rational Decisions Using Adaptive Utility Elicitation , 2000, AAAI/IAAI.

[70]  U. Aickelin A New Genetic Algorithm for Set Covering Problems , 2000 .

[71]  R. Isaac,et al.  Robustness of the Incentive Compatible Combinatorial Auction , 2000 .

[72]  Makoto Yokoo,et al.  Robust Combinatorial Auction Protocol against False-Name Bids , 2000, AAAI/IAAI.

[73]  Moshe Tennenholtz,et al.  An Algorithm for Multi-Unit Combinatorial Auctions , 2000, AAAI/IAAI.

[74]  F. Kelly,et al.  A Combinatorial Auction with Multiple Winners for Universal Service , 2000 .

[75]  M. Rothkopf,et al.  Evaluation of a Truthful Revelation Auction in the Context of Energy Markets with Nonconcave Benefits , 2000 .

[76]  Michael P. Wellman,et al.  AkBA: a progressive, anonymous-price combinatorial auction , 2000, EC '00.

[77]  Andrew B. Whinston,et al.  The Internet and the future of financial markets , 2000, CACM.

[78]  Ennio Stacchetti,et al.  The English Auction with Differentiated Commodities , 2000, J. Econ. Theory.

[79]  Makoto Yokoo,et al.  An efficient approximate algorithm for winner determination in combinatorial auctions , 2000, EC '00.

[80]  Daniel Lehmann,et al.  Optimal solutions for multi-unit combinatorial auctions: branch and bound heuristics , 2000, EC '00.

[81]  P. Klemperer What Really Matters in Auction Design , 2001 .

[82]  David C. Parkes,et al.  Iterative Combinatorial Auctions: Theory and Practice , 2000, AAAI/IAAI.

[83]  Noam Nisan,et al.  Computationally feasible VCG mechanisms , 2000, EC '00.

[84]  Arne Andersson,et al.  Integer programming for combinatorial auction winner determination , 2000, Proceedings Fourth International Conference on MultiAgent Systems.

[85]  Paul R. Milgrom,et al.  Putting Auction Theory to Work: The Simultaneous Ascending Auction , 1999, Journal of Political Economy.

[86]  Craig Boutilier,et al.  Solving Combinatorial Auctions Using Stochastic Local Search , 2000, AAAI/IAAI.

[87]  Michael P. Wellman,et al.  Combinatorial auctions for supply chain formation , 2000, EC '00.

[88]  Mark M. Bykowsky,et al.  Mutually Destructive Bidding: The FCC Auction Design Problem , 2000 .

[89]  Ritu Agarwal,et al.  On the usability of OO representations , 2000, CACM.

[90]  Ming Fan,et al.  Electronic Commerce and the Revolution in Financial Markets , 2001 .

[91]  Craig Boutilier,et al.  Bidding Languages for Combinatorial Auctions , 2001, IJCAI.

[92]  Sven de Vries,et al.  Linear Programming and Vickrey Auctions , 2001 .

[93]  Michael P. Wellman,et al.  A Parametrization of the Auction Design Space , 2001, Games Econ. Behav..

[94]  David C. Parkes,et al.  Achieving Budget-Balance with Vickrey-Based Payment Schemes in Exchanges , 2001, IJCAI.

[95]  David C. Parkes,et al.  An Iterative Generalized Vickrey Auction: Strategy-Proofness without Complete Revelation , 2001 .

[96]  Michael P. Wellman,et al.  Auction Protocols for Decentralized Scheduling , 2001, Games Econ. Behav..

[97]  T. Sandholm,et al.  Preference Elicitation in Combinatorial Auctions (Extended Abstract) , 2001 .

[98]  J. Kagel,et al.  Behavior in Multi-Unit Demand Auctions: Experiments with Uniform Price and Dynamic Vickrey Auctions * , 2001 .

[99]  Rajarshi Das,et al.  Agent-Human Interactions in the Continuous Double Auction , 2001, IJCAI.

[100]  T. Sandholm,et al.  Costly valuation computation in auctions , 2001 .

[101]  M. Rothkopf,et al.  An Elementary Introduction to Auctions , 2001 .

[102]  Noam Nisan,et al.  An efficient approximate allocation algorithm for combinatorial auctions , 2001, EC '01.

[103]  Ho Soo Lee,et al.  Computational Aspects of Clearing Continuous Call Double Auctions with Assignment Constraints and Indivisible Demand , 2001, Electron. Commer. Res..

[104]  David C. Parkes,et al.  Achieving Budget-Balance with Vickrey-Based Payment Schemes in Combinatorial Exchanges , 2001 .

[105]  Raimo P. Hämäläinen,et al.  Preference ratios in multiattribute evaluation (PRIME)-elicitation and decision procedures under incomplete information , 2001, IEEE Trans. Syst. Man Cybern. Part A.

[106]  Tuomas Sandholm,et al.  Preference elicitation in combinatorial auctions , 2001, AAMAS '02.

[107]  David Levine,et al.  CABOB: A Fast Optimal Algorithm for Combinatorial Auctions , 2001, IJCAI.

[108]  Morad Benyoucef,et al.  Combined Negotiations in E-Commerce: Concepts and Architecture , 2001, Electron. Commer. Res..

[109]  David Levine,et al.  Winner determination in combinatorial auction generalizations , 2002, AAMAS '02.

[110]  Andrew J. Davenport,et al.  Price Negotiations for Procurement of Direct Inputs , 2002 .

[111]  M. Rothkopf,et al.  A Joint Energy and Transmission Rights Auction: Proposal and Properties , 2002, IEEE Power Engineering Review.

[112]  Joseph A. Swanson,et al.  Special Issue: Experimental Economics in Practice: The First Use of a Combined-Value Auction for Transportation Services , 2002, Interfaces.

[113]  V. Quintana,et al.  Medium-Term Hydro-Thermal Coordination by Semidefimite Programming , 2002, IEEE Power Engineering Review.

[114]  Tuomas Sandholm,et al.  Effectiveness of Preference Elicitation in Combinatorial Auctions , 2002, AMEC.

[115]  Gabriel Y. Weintraub,et al.  A Combinational Auction Improves School Meals in Chile , 2002, Interfaces.

[116]  Sushil Bikhchandani,et al.  The Package Assignment Model , 2002, J. Econ. Theory.

[117]  Craig Boutilier,et al.  A POMDP formulation of preference elicitation problems , 2002, AAAI/IAAI.

[118]  J. Mcmillan Reinventing the Bazaar: A Natural History of Markets , 2002 .

[119]  Daniel Lehmann,et al.  Linear Programming helps solving large multi-unit combinatorial auctions , 2002, ArXiv.

[120]  Tuomas Sandholm,et al.  Algorithm for optimal winner determination in combinatorial auctions , 2002, Artif. Intell..

[121]  David C. Parkes,et al.  An Ascending-Price Generalized Vickrey Auction , 2002 .

[122]  Lawrence M. Ausubel,et al.  Ascending Auctions with Package Bidding , 2002 .

[123]  P. Herings,et al.  The Private Value Single Item Bisection Auction , 2002 .

[124]  Noam Nisany,et al.  The Communication Requirements of E¢cient Allocations and Supporting Lindahl Prices¤ , 2003 .

[125]  Subhash Suri,et al.  BOB: Improved winner determination in combinatorial auctions and generalizations , 2003, Artif. Intell..

[126]  S. Suri,et al.  Solving combinatorial exchanges: optimality via a few partial bids , 2003, EC '03.

[127]  Avrim Blum,et al.  Preference Elicitation and Query Learning , 2004, J. Mach. Learn. Res..

[128]  Ho Soo Lee,et al.  Special Issue: 2002 Franz Edelman Award for Achievement in Operations Research and the Management Sciences: Combinatorial and Quantity-Discount Procurement Auctions Benefit Mars, Incorporated and Its Suppliers , 2003, Interfaces.

[129]  Noam Nisan,et al.  Incentive compatible multi unit combinatorial auctions , 2003, TARK '03.

[130]  A. Regan,et al.  Approximation Algorithms for the Bid Construction Problem in Combinatorial Auctions for the Procurement of Freight Transportation Contracts , 2003 .

[131]  Y. Shoham,et al.  Resource allocation in competitive multiagent systems , 2003 .

[132]  Michael H. Rothkopf,et al.  Combinatorial Auction Design , 2003, Manag. Sci..

[133]  Avrim Blum,et al.  On polynomial-time preference elicitation with value queries , 2003, EC '03.

[134]  Tuomas Sandholm,et al.  Generalizing preference elicitation in combinatorial auctions , 2003, AAMAS '03.

[135]  Sven de Vries,et al.  Combinatorial Auctions: A Survey , 2003, INFORMS J. Comput..

[136]  Craig Boutilier,et al.  Incremental utility elicitation with minimax regret decision criterion , 2003, IJCAI 2003.

[137]  D. Lehmann,et al.  The Winner Determination Problem , 2003 .

[138]  Felix Brandt,et al.  Fully Private Auctions in a Constant Number of Rounds , 2003, Financial Cryptography.

[139]  Michel Gendreau,et al.  A new bidding framework for combinatorial e-auctions , 2004, Comput. Oper. Res..

[140]  Vincent Conitzer,et al.  Towards a Characterization of Polynomial Preference Elicitation with Value Queries in Combinatorial Auctions (Extended Abstract) , 2004, COLT.

[141]  Michel Gendreau,et al.  Design issues for combinatorial auctions , 2004, 4OR.

[142]  Lawrence M. Ausubel,et al.  The Lovely but Lonely Vickrey Auction , 2004 .

[143]  P. Cramton Simultaneous Ascending Auctions , 2004 .

[144]  Vincent Conitzer,et al.  Computational criticisms of the revelation principle , 2004, EC '04.

[145]  Lawrence M. Ausubel,et al.  Auctioning Many Divisible Goods , 2004 .

[146]  Andrew B. Whinston,et al.  Pricing combinatorial auctions , 2004, Eur. J. Oper. Res..

[147]  Felix Brandt,et al.  (Im)possibility of unconditionally privacy-preserving auctions , 2004, Proceedings of the Third International Joint Conference on Autonomous Agents and Multiagent Systems, 2004. AAMAS 2004..

[148]  David C. Parkes,et al.  Applying learning algorithms to preference elicitation , 2004, EC '04.

[149]  Paul Klemperer,et al.  Auctions: Theory and Practice , 2004 .

[150]  Patrizia Beraldi,et al.  Constrained auction clearing in the Italian electricity market , 2004, 4OR.

[151]  Lawrence M. Ausubel,et al.  The Clock-Proxy Auction: A Practical Combinatorial Auction Design , 2004 .

[152]  Tuomas Sandholm,et al.  Designing auctions for deliberative agents , 2004, AAMAS'04.

[153]  G. Weintraub,et al.  A combinatorial auction improves school meals in Chile: a case of OR in developing countries , 2004 .

[154]  Paul Milgrom,et al.  Putting Auction Theory to Work , 2004 .

[155]  Lawrence M. Ausubel An Efficient Ascending-Bid Auction for Multiple Objects , 2004 .

[156]  Sven de Vries,et al.  A Branch-and-Price Algorithm and New Test Problems for Spectrum Auctions , 2005, Manag. Sci..

[157]  K. Hoffman,et al.  Observations and Near-Direct Implementations of the Ascending Proxy Auction , 2005 .

[158]  David C. Parkes,et al.  Models for Iterative Multiattribute Procurement Auctions , 2005, Manag. Sci..

[159]  Benjamin F. Hobbs,et al.  Efficient market-clearing prices in markets with nonconvexities , 2005, Eur. J. Oper. Res..

[160]  David C. Parkes,et al.  More on the Power of Demand Queries in Combinatorial Auctions: Learning Atomic Languages and Handling Incentives , 2005, IJCAI.

[161]  Vincent Conitzer,et al.  Combinatorial Auctions with k-wise Dependent Valuations , 2005, AAAI.

[162]  David C. Parkes,et al.  ICE: an iterative combinatorial exchange , 2005, EC '05.

[163]  Berthold Vöcking,et al.  Approximation techniques for utilitarian mechanism design , 2005, STOC '05.

[164]  David C. Parkes,et al.  Auction design with costly preference elicitation , 2005, Annals of Mathematics and Artificial Intelligence.

[165]  Martin Bichler,et al.  Industrial Procurement Auctions , 2005 .

[166]  Marek Karpinski,et al.  An algorithm to learn read-once threshold formulas, and transformations between learning models , 2005, computational complexity.

[167]  Sunju Park,et al.  Auctions with bidder-determined allowable combinations , 2005, Eur. J. Oper. Res..

[168]  Michel Gendreau,et al.  Série Scientifique Scientific Series Models for Bundle Trading in Financial Markets Models for Bundle Trading in Financial Markets , 2022 .

[169]  Michel Gendreau,et al.  Série Scientifique Scientific Series Design for Optimized Multi-lateral Multi- Commodity Markets Design for Optimized Multi-lateral Multi- Commodity Markets , 2022 .

[170]  P. Keskinocak,et al.  Bidding strategies and their impact on revenues in combinatorial auctions , 2005 .

[171]  Anthony M. Kwasnica,et al.  A New and Improved Design for Multiobject Iterative Auctions , 2005, Manag. Sci..

[172]  Aleksandar Pekec,et al.  Noncomputational Approaches to Mitigating Computational Problems in Combinatorial Auctions , 2005 .

[173]  Alex Kulesza,et al.  TBBL: A Tree-Based Bidding Language for Iterative Combinatorial Exchanges , 2005 .

[174]  David Levine,et al.  CABOB: A Fast Optimal Algorithm for Winner Determination in Combinatorial Auctions , 2005, Manag. Sci..

[175]  Thomas Morris,et al.  Reinventing the Supplier Negotiation Process at Motorola , 2005, Interfaces.

[176]  Lyle H. Ungar,et al.  Iterative Combinatorial Auctions with Bidder-Determined Combinations , 2005, Manag. Sci..

[177]  Chris Caplice,et al.  Combinatorial Auctions for Truckload Transportation , 2005 .

[178]  David C. Parkes,et al.  Iterative Combinatorial Auctions , 2006 .

[179]  Uriel Feige,et al.  Approximation algorithms for allocation problems: Improving the factor of 1 - 1/e , 2006, 2006 47th Annual IEEE Symposium on Foundations of Computer Science (FOCS'06).

[180]  Subhash Suri,et al.  Side constraints and non-price attributes in markets , 2006, Games Econ. Behav..

[181]  Shahar Dobzinski,et al.  An improved approximation algorithm for combinatorial auctions with submodular bidders , 2006, SODA '06.

[182]  Noam Nisan,et al.  The communication requirements of efficient allocations and supporting prices , 2006, J. Econ. Theory.

[183]  Noam Nisan,et al.  Truthful randomized mechanisms for combinatorial auctions , 2006, STOC '06.

[184]  Tuomas Sandholm,et al.  Expressive Commerce and Its Application to Sourcing , 2006, AAAI.

[185]  David Zuckerman,et al.  Electronic Colloquium on Computational Complexity, Report No. 100 (2005) Linear Degree Extractors and the Inapproximability of MAX CLIQUE and CHROMATIC NUMBER , 2005 .

[186]  Lawrence M. Ausubel An efficient dynamic auction for heterogeneous commodities , 2006 .

[187]  Daniel Lehmann,et al.  Combinatorial auctions with decreasing marginal utilities , 2001, EC '01.

[188]  Rudolf Müller,et al.  Tractable cases of the winner determination problem , 2006 .

[189]  T. Tietenberg Emissions Trading: Principles and Practice , 2006 .

[190]  David C. Parkes,et al.  Ascending Price Vickrey Auctions for General Valuations , 2005, J. Econ. Theory.

[191]  Sven de Vries,et al.  On ascending Vickrey auctions for heterogeneous objects , 2007, J. Econ. Theory.

[192]  S. Raghavan,et al.  Fair Payments for Efficient Allocations in Public Sector Combinatorial Auctions , 2007, Manag. Sci..