A Deep Machine Learning Method for Concurrent and Interleaved Human Activity Recognition

Human activity recognition has become an important research topic within the field of pervasive computing, ambient assistive living (AAL), robotics, health-care monitoring, and many more. Techniques for recognizing simple and single activities are typical for now, but recognizing complex activities such as concurrent and interleaving activity is still a major challenging issue. In this paper, we propose a two-phase hybrid deep machine learning approach using bi-directional Long-Short Term Memory (BiLSTM) and Skip-Chain Conditional random field (SCCRF) to recognize the complex activity. BiLSTM is a sequential generative deep learning inherited from Recurrent Neural Network (RNN). SCCRFs is a distinctive feature of conditional random field (CRF) that can represent long term dependencies. In the first phase of the proposed approach, we recognized the concurrent activities using the BiLSTM technique, and in the second phase, SCCRF identifies the interleaved activity. Accuracy of the proposed framework against the counterpart state-of-art methods using the publicly available datasets in a smart home environment is analyzed. Our experiment’s result surpasses the previously proposed approaches with an average accuracy of more than 93%.

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