Study concerning the influence of some working conditions, on the heat pumps performances.

The paper presents relevant information about the working principle of the geothermal heat pumps and a study, based on an original computer simulation, analysing the influences of the working conditions on the heat pump performances. After presenting some basic considerations about the geothermal energy and about the heat pumps working principle, there are included some relevant considerations about the environmental conditions of Romania and the potential of the geothermal energy, as important renewable energy, to be used in the field of domestic heating with heat pumps. In domestic heating applications, the only available type of equipment able to use the geothermal energy is the heat pumps. Only these type of equipment can increase the temperature level of the at the Earth surface available geothermal energy, to the needed temperature level of the useful thermal energy. The original software used to analyse the influence of some working conditions, on the heat pumps performances, was written in Engineering Equation Solver language, using an academic licence available at the Technical University of Cluj Napoca. This software environment allows creating software adapted for the evaluation of the influence of many important parameters on the heat pumps performances. Between the relevant studied parameters can be mentioned: heat pump location, heat pump type, quality of the house insulation, type of heat pump application.