Categorizing Concepts with Basic Level for Vision-to-Language

Vision-to-language tasks require a unified semantic understanding of visual content. However, the information contained in image/video is essentially ambiguous on two perspectives manifested on the diverse understanding among different persons and the various understanding grains even for the same person. Inspired by the basic level in early cognition, a Basic Concept (BaC) category is proposed in this work that contains both consensus and proper level of visual content to help neural network tackle the above problems. Specifically, a salient concept category is firstly generated by intersecting the labels of ImageNet and the vocabulary of MSCOCO dataset. Then, according to the observation from human early cognition that children make fewer mistakes on the basic level, the salient category is further refined by clustering concepts with a defined confusion degree which measures the difficulty for convolutional neural network to distinguish class pairs. Finally, a pre-trained model based on GoogLeNet is produced with the proposed BaC category of 1,372 concept classes. To verify the effectiveness of the proposed categorizing method for vision-to-language tasks, two kinds of experiments are performed including image captioning and visual question answering with the benchmark datasets of MSCOCO, Flickr30k and COCO-QA. The experimental results demonstrate that the representations derived from the cognition-inspired BaC category promote representation learning of neural networks on vision-to-language tasks, and a performance improvement is gained without modifying standard models.

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