Watts and Strogatz [Nature (London) 393, 440 (1998)] have recently introduced a model for disordered networks and reported that, even for very small values of the disorder $p$ in the links, the network behaves as a ``small world.'' Here, we test the hypothesis that the appearance of small-world behavior is not a phase transition but a crossover phenomenon which depends both on the network size $n$ and on the degree of disorder $p$. We propose that the average distance $\ensuremath{\ell}$ between any two vertices of the network is a scaling function of $n/{n}^{*}$. The crossover size ${n}^{*}$ above which the network behaves as a small world is shown to scale as ${n}^{*}(p\ensuremath{\ll}1)\ensuremath{\sim}{p}^{\ensuremath{-}\ensuremath{\tau}}$ with $\ensuremath{\tau}\ensuremath{\approx}2/3$.
H. Stanley,et al.
Introduction to Phase Transitions and Critical Phenomena
A. Winfree.
The geometry of biological time
Michel Minoux,et al.
Graphs and Algorithms
W. Hamilton,et al.
The Evolution of Cooperation
Yoshiki Kuramoto,et al.
Chemical Oscillations, Waves, and Turbulence
Springer Series in Synergetics.
Béla Bollobás,et al.
Random Graphs
Manfred Kochen,et al.
Small World
Stanley Wasserman,et al.
Social Network Analysis: Methods and Applications
David Knoke,et al.
Social Network Analysis: Methods and Applications.