A Quality Engineering Approach to the Determination of the Space Launch Capability of the Peacekeeper ICBM Utilizing Probabilistic Methods

This paper outlines the use of a comprehensive and robust methodology for the conceptual design of an expendable launch vehicle employing the existing Peacekeeper ICBM. This methodology includes an Integrated Product and Process Development (IPPD) approach, coupled with response surface techniques and probabilistic assessments. IPPD aids the decision-maker in accurately projecting performance and economic metric values. It also provides a probabilistic framework to address the inherent uncertainty in vehicle requirements in an analytical manner by representing payload, mission, and design requirements as distributions instead of point values. In short, the methodology utilized in this study is a combination of traditional missile and rocket design and quality engineering techniques. The main goal of this method is to design for the most affordable system possible while ensuring technical feasibility and economic viability. This paper shows how these methods were applied to a proof of concept investigation of the space launch vehicle (SLV) capability of the Peacekeeper ICBM.