A Model for Evaluation and Development of Citizens' Electronic Readiness for Deployment of an E-City Using Structural Equation Modeling

Thisarticledescribeshowastheworldmovesfasterandfastertowardsadigitalsociety,movingtoward electroniccitiesisinevitableduetopopulationgrowthandtransformationofhumanrelationships. Suchtrendisalmostimpossiblewithouthavingelectroniccitiesandcitizens.Today,governments seektoimprovetheirservicesbyrelyingonnewICTsolutionssothatcitizensgettheservicesthey wantwiththebestquality,leastcost,andintheshortesttimepossible.Consideringtheimportance ofthisissue,inthisarticleamodelforevaluationanddevelopmentofcitizens’electronicreadiness fordeploymentofanelectroniccityhasbeenproposed.Thepresentarticleisdescriptiveinterms ofmethodologyandasurveyintermsofdatacollectionusingaquestionnairewithapopulationof 384citizensofTheCitizensofaCityinIran.Theaspectsthisarticleexploresincludetechnicaland communicationinfrastructure,businessenvironment,andcultureandsociety.Thesefactorswere investigatedconsidering33indicesderivedfromSEMaswellasusingSPSSandAMOSandthe hypothesesoftheresearchweretested.Theresultsshowthatthemodelhasanoverallfittingand thatthereisapositive,significantrelationbetweenthevariablesandthecitizens’E-readinessand usingtheseindicesisagoodbasisforpresentingamodelfortheevaluationofcitizens’E-readiness. Accordingtotheresultsobtainedfromtheanalysisoftheresearchmodel,itwasfoundthatcompared withotherfactorstheunderstudycitylackedapropertechnicalandcommunicationinfrastructure. Therefore,somesolutionsforincreasingcitizens’E-readinesshavebeenoffered. KEywoRDS E-citizen, E-city, E-readiness, Structural Equation Modeling


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