A person walks along a line (which could be an idealisation of a forest trail, for example), placing relays as he walks, in order to create a multihop network for connecting a sensor at a point along the line to a sink at the start of the line. The potential placement points are equally spaced along the line, and at each such location the decision to place or not to place a relay is based on link quality measurements to the previously placed relays. The location of the sensor is unknown apriori, and is discovered as the deployment agent walks. In this paper, we extend our earlier work on this class of problems to include the objective of achieving a 2-connected multihop network. We propose a network cost objective that is additive over the deployed relays, and accounts for possible alternate routing over the multiple available paths. As in our earlier work, the problem is formulated as a Markov decision process. Placement algorithms are obtained for two source location models, which yield a discounted cost MDP and an average cost MDP. In each case we obtain structural results for an optimal policy, and perform a numerical study that provides insights into the advantages and disadvantages of multi-connectivity. We validate the results obtained from numerical study experimentally in a forest-like environment.
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An Incremental Self-Deployment Algorithm for Mobile Sensor Networks
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Dimitri P. Bertsekas,et al.
Dynamic Programming and Optimal Control, Two Volume Set
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Real-time deployment of multihop relays for range extension
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Optimal deployment of impromptu wireless sensor networks
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Measurement based impromptu deployment of a multi-hop wireless relay network
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Automatic and robust breadcrumb system deployment for indoor firefighter applications
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Dimitri P. Bertsekas,et al.
Dynamic Programming and Optimal Control, Vol. II