On Approximate Envy-Freeness for Indivisible Chores and Mixed Resources

We study fair allocation of undesirable indivisible items (or chores) and make three contributions: First, we show that determining the existence of an envy-free allocation is NP-complete even when agents have binary additive valuations. Second, we provide a polynomial-time algorithm for computing an allocation that satisfies envy-freeness up to one chore (EF1) under monotone valuations, correcting a existing proof of the same claim in the literature. A straightforward modification of our algorithm can be used to compute an EF1 allocation for doubly monotone instances (wherein each agent can partition the set of items into objective goods and objective chores). Our third and most important result applies to a mixed resources model consisting of indivisible chores and a divisible, desirable heterogenous resource (metaphorically, a cake). We show that there always exists an allocation that satisfies envy-freeness for mixed resources (EFM) in this setting, complementing an analogous recent result of Bei et al. (AAAI 2020). We also show a similar result in the flipped setting consisting of indivisible goods and a divisible "bad" cake.

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