North Sámi morphological segmentation with low-resource semi-supervised sequence labeling

Semi-supervised sequence labeling is an effective way to train a low-resource morphological segmentation system. We show that a feature set augmentation approach, which combines the strengths of generative and discriminative models, is suitable both for graphical models like conditional random field (CRF) and sequence-to-sequence neural models. We perform a comparative evaluation between three existing and one novel semi-supervised segmentation methods. All four systems are language-independent and have open-source implementations. We improve on previous best results for North Sámi morphological segmentation. We see a relative improvement in morph boundary F1-score of 8.6% compared to using the generative Morfessor FlatCat model directly and 2.4% compared to a seq2seq baseline. Our neural sequence tagging system reaches almost the same performance as the CRF topline.

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