On Selective-Opening Attacks against Encryption Schemes

At FOCS’99, Dwork et al put forth the notion of ‘selective–opening attacks’ (SOAs, for short). In the literature, security against such attacks has been formalized via indistinguishability-based and simulation-based notions, respectively called IND-SO-CPA security and SIM-SO-CPA security. Furthermore, the IND-SO-CPA notion has been studied under two flavors – weak-IND-SO-CPA and full-IND-SO-CPA security. At Eurocrypt’09, Bellare et al showed the first positive results on SOA security of encryption schemes: 1) any lossy encryption scheme is weak-IND-SO-CPA secure; 2) any lossy encryption scheme with efficient openability is SIM-SO–CPA secure.

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