Omnivore: A Single Model for Many Visual Modalities

Prior work has studied different visual modalities in iso-lation and developed separate architectures for recognition of images, videos, and 3D data. Instead, in this paper, we propose a single model which excels at classifying images, videos, and single-view 3D data using exactly the same model parameters. Our ‘ O MNIVORE ’ model leverages the flexibility of transformer-based architectures and is trained jointly on classification tasks from different modalities. O MNIVORE is simple to train, uses off-the-shelf standard datasets, and performs at-par or better than modality-specific models of the same size. A single O MNIVORE model obtains 86.0% on ImageNet, 84.1% on Kinetics, and 67.1% on SUN RGB-D. After finetuning, our models outperform prior work on a variety of vision tasks and generalize across modalities. O MNIVORE ’s shared visual representation naturally enables cross-modal recognition without access to correspondences between modalities. We hope our results motivate researchers to model visual modalities together.

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