Model-Augmented Q-learning

In recent years, Q-learning has become indispensable for model-free reinforcement learning (MFRL). However, it suffers from well-known problems such as underand overestimation bias of the value, which may adversely affect the policy learning. To resolve this issue, we propose a MFRL framework that is augmented with the components of model-based RL. Specifically, we propose to estimate not only the Q-values but also both the transition and the reward with a shared network. We further utilize the estimated reward from the model estimators for Q-learning, which promotes interaction between the estimators. We show that the proposed scheme, called Model-augmented Q-learning (MQL), obtains a policy-invariant solution which is identical to the solution obtained by learning with true reward. Finally, we also provide a trick to prioritize past experiences in the replay buffer by utilizing model-estimation errors. We experimentally validate MQL built upon state-of-the-art off-policy MFRL methods, and show that MQL largely improves their performance and convergence. The proposed scheme is simple to implement and does not require additional training cost.

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