Unsupervised 3D Shape Completion through GAN Inversion

Most 3D shape completion approaches rely heavily on partial-complete shape pairs and learn in a fully super-vised manner. Despite their impressive performances on in-domain data, when generalizing to partial shapes in other forms or real-world partial scans, they often obtain unsatisfactory results due to domain gaps. In contrast to previous fully supervised approaches, in this paper we present ShapeInversion, which introduces Generative Adversarial Network (GAN) inversion to shape completion for the first time. ShapeInversion uses a GAN pre-trained on complete shapes by searching for a latent code that gives a complete shape that best reconstructs the given partial input. In this way, ShapeInversion no longer needs paired training data, and is capable of incorporating the rich prior captured in a well-trained generative model. On the ShapeNet bench-mark, the proposed ShapeInversion outperforms the SOTA unsupervised method, and is comparable with supervised methods that are learned using paired data. It also demonstrates remarkable generalization ability, giving robust results for real-world scans and partial inputs of various forms and incompleteness levels. Importantly, ShapeInversion naturally enables a series of additional abilities thanks to the involvement of a pre-trained GAN, such as producing multiple valid complete shapes for an ambiguous partial input, as well as shape manipulation and interpolation.

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