Bifidobacterium pseudolongum in the Ceca of Rats Fed Hi-Maize Starch Has Characteristics of a Keystone Species in Bifidobacterial Blooms

This study addresses the microbiology and function of a natural ecosystem (the rat gut) using DNA-based observations and in vitro experimentation. The microbial community of the large bowel of animals, including humans, has been studied extensively through the use of high-throughput DNA sequencing methods and advanced bioinformatics analysis. These studies reveal the compositions and genetic capacities of microbiotas but not the intricacies of how microbial communities function. Our work, combining DNA sequence analysis and laboratory experiments with cultured strains of bacteria, revealed that the increased abundance of bifidobacteria in the rat gut, induced by feeding indigestible starch, involved a species that cannot itself degrade the starch (Bifidobacterium animalis) but cohabits with a species that can (Bifidobacterium pseudolongum). B. pseudolongum has the characteristics of a keystone species in the community because it had low abundance but high ability to perform a critical function, the hydrolysis of resistant starch. ABSTRACT Starches resistant to mammalian digestion are present in foods and pass to the large bowel, where they may be degraded and fermented by the microbiota. Increases in relative abundances of bifidobacteria (blooms) have been reported in rats whose diet was supplemented with Hi-Maize resistant starch. We determined that the bifidobacterial species present in the rat cecum under these circumstances mostly belonged to Bifidobacterium animalis. However, cultures of B. animalis isolated from the rats failed to degrade Hi-Maize starch to any extent. In contrast, Bifidobacterium pseudolongum also detected in the rat microbiota had high starch-degrading ability. Transcriptional comparisons showed increased expression of a type 1 pullulanase, alpha-amylase, and glycogen debranching enzyme by B. pseudolongum when cultured in medium containing Hi-Maize starch. Maltose was released into the culture medium, and B. animalis cultures had shorter doubling times in maltose medium than did B. pseudolongum. Thus, B. pseudolongum, which was present at a consistently low abundance in the microbiota, but which has extensive enzymatic capacity to degrade resistant starch, showed the attributes of a keystone species associated with the bifidobacterial bloom. IMPORTANCE This study addresses the microbiology and function of a natural ecosystem (the rat gut) using DNA-based observations and in vitro experimentation. The microbial community of the large bowel of animals, including humans, has been studied extensively through the use of high-throughput DNA sequencing methods and advanced bioinformatics analysis. These studies reveal the compositions and genetic capacities of microbiotas but not the intricacies of how microbial communities function. Our work, combining DNA sequence analysis and laboratory experiments with cultured strains of bacteria, revealed that the increased abundance of bifidobacteria in the rat gut, induced by feeding indigestible starch, involved a species that cannot itself degrade the starch (Bifidobacterium animalis) but cohabits with a species that can (Bifidobacterium pseudolongum). B. pseudolongum has the characteristics of a keystone species in the community because it had low abundance but high ability to perform a critical function, the hydrolysis of resistant starch.

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