Camera-Space Manipulation

The paper involves the development of real-time estimation and control details for a new vision-based manipulator con trol method. The method permits a kind of adaptability not otherwise available in that the relationship between the cam era-space location of manipulable visual cues and the vector of manipulator joint coordinates is estimated in real time. This is done based upon a model that generalizes known manipulator kinematics to accommodate unknown relative camera position and orientation as well as uncertainty of manipulator grasp. Both large-scale trajectory planning and refined placement precision become possible despite an un known camera-manipulator juxtaposition. This feature opens the door to a range of applications of manipulation, includ ing a mobile manipulator with stationary cameras tracking and providing information for control of the manipulation event. Evidence of the ability of the estimation algorithm to perform in real time is provided with a successfully performed interception task, completed without a priori knowledge of camera or manipulator positions.