A Coarse-Grained Methodology Identifies Intrinsic Mechanisms That Dissociate Interacting Protein Pairs

We address the problem of triggering dissociation events between proteins that have formed a complex. We have collected a set of 25 non-redundant, functionally diverse protein complexes having high-resolution three-dimensional structures in both the unbound and bound forms. We unify elastic network models with perturbation response scanning (PRS) methodology as an efficient approach for predicting residues that have the propensity to trigger dissociation of an interacting protein pair, using the three-dimensional structures of the bound and unbound proteins as input. PRS reveals that while for a group of protein pairs, residues involved in the conformational shifts are confined to regions with large motions, there are others where they originate from parts of the protein unaffected structurally by binding. Strikingly, only a few of the complexes have interface residues responsible for dissociation. We find two main modes of response: In one mode, remote control of disassociation in which disruption of the electrostatic potential distribution along protein surfaces play the major role; in the alternative mode, mechanical control of dissociation by remote residues prevail. In the former, dissociation is triggered by changes in the local environment of the protein e.g. pH or ionic strength, while in the latter, specific perturbations arriving at the controlling residues, e.g. via binding to a third interacting partner is required for decomplexation. We resolve the observations by relying on an electromechanical coupling model which reduces to the usual elastic network result in the limit of the lack of coupling. We validate the approach by illustrating the biological significance of top residues selected by PRS on select cases where we show that the residues whose perturbation leads to the observed conformational changes correspond to either functionally important or highly conserved residues in the complex.

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