Graph-based bag-of-words for classification

Abstract This paper introduces the Bag of Graphs (BoG), a Bag-of-Words model that encodes in graphs the local structures of a digital object. We present a formal definition, introducing concepts and rules that make this model flexible and adaptable for different applications. We define two BoG-based methods – Bag of Singleton Graphs (BoSG) and Bag of Visual Graphs (BoVG), which create vector representations for graphs and images, respectively. We evaluate the Bag of Singleton Graphs (BoSG) for graph classification on four datasets of the IAM repository, obtaining significant results in accuracy and execution time. The method Bag of Visual Graphs (BoVG) is evaluated for image classification on Caltech and ALOI datasets, and for remote sensing image classification on images of Monte Santo and Campinas datasets. This framework opens possibilities for retrieval, classification, and clustering tasks on large datasets that use graph-based representations impractical before due to the complexity of inexact graph matching.

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